Theban tomb tracings
made by Norman and Nina De Garis Davies

Concept and direction: Jaromir Malek
Catalogue: Helen Murray, Elizabeth Fleming and Alison Hobby
Editing: Hana Navrátilová and Jaromir Malek
Scanning: Jenni Navratil, assisted by Hana Navrátilová
Photo-editing: Jenni Navratil
Coordination: Elizabeth Fleming

Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. TT 23, Tjay To, Royal scribe of the dispatches of the Lord of the Two Lands.
Temp. Merneptah

High-resolution large-scale images are available on request, please see conditions and charges

Davies MSS. 10.10.1
(pencil tracing)
Detail of Pharaoh's 'Foreign Office' in register II, PM i2, 38(4).

Davies MSS. 10.10.2
(pencil tracing)
Detail of Pharaoh's 'Foreign Office' in register II, PM i2, 38(4).

not yet available

Davies MSS. 10.10.3
(pencil tracing)
Detail of Pharaoh's 'Foreign Office' in register II, PM i2, 38(4).

Davies MSS. 10.10.4
(pencil tracing)
Detail of Pharaoh's 'Foreign Office' in register II, PM i2, 38(4).

Davies MSS. 10.10.5
(pencil tracing)
Detail of Pharaoh's 'Foreign Office' in register II, PM i2, 38(4).

Davies MSS. 10.10.6
(pencil tracing)
Detail of Pharaoh's 'Foreign Office' in register II, PM i2, 38(4).

Davies MSS. 10.10.7
(pencil tracing)
Detail, Pharaoh's 'Foreign Office' in register II. PM i2, 38(4).

Davies MSS. 10.10.8
(pencil tracing)
Detail, Pharaoh's 'Foreign Office' in register II. PM i2, 38(4).

Davies MSS. 10.10.9
(reduced hand copy, inked)
Scene in register II. PM i2, 39(8).

Davies MSS. 10.10.10 left
(inked tracing)
Detail, Tjay and hieratic texts in register I. PM i2, 39(14).

Davies MSS. 10.10.10 [right]
(inked tracing)
Detail,Tjay and hieratic texts in register I. PM i2, 39(14).

Davies MSS. 10.10.10A [lower left]
(pencilled squeeze, pencilled rubbing)
Fragments of hieratic texts in register I. PM i2, 39(14).

Davies MSS. 10.10.10A [lower right]
(pencilled squeeze)
Fragments of hieratic texts in register I. PM i2, 39(14).

Davies MSS. 10.10.10A [upper left]
(pencilled rubbing)
Fragments of hieratic texts in register I. PM i2, 39(14).

Davies MSS. 10.10.10A [upper right]
(pencilled rubbing, pencilled squeeze, tracing)
Fragments of hieratic texts in register I. PM i2, 39(14).

Davies MSS. 10.10.10A[1]
(pencilled rubbing)
Detail, Tjay and hieratic texts in register I. PM i2, 39(14).

Davies MSS. 10.10.10A[2]
Fragment of hieratic texts in register I. PM i2, 39(14).

Davies MSS. 10.10.10A[3]
Fragment of hieratic texts in register I. PM i2, 39(14).

Davies MSS. 10.10.10A[4]
(pencilled rubbing)
Fragment of hieratic texts in register I. PM i2, 39(14).

Davies MSS. 10.10.10A[5]
(pencilled rubbing)
Fragment of hieratic texts in register I. PM i2, 39(14).

Davies MSS. 10.10.10A[6]
(pencilled squeeze)
Fragment of hieratic texts in register I. PM i2, 39(14).

Davies MSS. 10.10.10A[7]
(pencilled rubbing, tracing)
Fragment of hieratic texts in register I. PM i2, 39(14).

Davies MSS. 10.10.10A[8]
(pencilled squeeze)
Fragment of hieratic texts in register I. PM i2, 39(14).

Davies MSS. 10.10.10A[9]
Fragment of hieratic texts in register I. PM i2, 39(14).

Davies MSS. 10.10.11
(inked tracing)
Loose blocks from hieratic text in register I. PM i2, 39(14).

Davies MSS. 10.10.11A [right]
(reduced hand copy, inked)
Hymn to Amun. PM i2, 39(15).

Davies MSS. 10.10.11A [lower left]
(reduced hand copy, inked)
Hymn to Osiris. PM i2, 39(16).

Davies MSS. 10.10.11A [upper left]
(reduced hand copy, inked)
Text before Tjay. PM i2, 39(11).

Davies MSS. 10.10.12
(pencil tracing)
Pillar of kiosk in register II. (Probably from this scene.) PM i2, 39(21).

Davies MSS. 10.10.13
(reduced hand copy, pencil and ink)
(Probably) text from scene with Ptah in register I. PM i2, 40(23).

Davies MSS. 10.10.14
(sketch plans, pencil and ink)
Texts and rough sketch plans. PM i2, 38.

Davies MSS. 10.10.15
(sketch plans, pencil)
Texts and rough sketch plans. PM i2, 38.

Davies MSS. 10.10.16
(reduced hand copy, inked)
Texts PM i2, 38.

Davies MSS. 10.10.17
(reduced hand copy, inked)
Texts. PM i2, 38.

(July 29, 2009)
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