© Griffith Institute, Oxford OX1 2LG
Concept and direction: Jaromir Malek
The diary and journal for 1923 and 1924 have been scanned with the financial support
of the Manchester Ancient Egypt Society
[Note: all dates have been standardized.]
Transcript: Sue Hutchison
Editing: J. K. Ámundadóttir, Ana I. Navajas Jimenez, Jaromir Malek
Scanning: Hana Navrátilová
Image editing: Jenni Navratil
The journal, written in Howard Carter's hand, is in a large ring-binder (Walker's Loose-Leaf Books, 33 by 21.5 cm) entitled Notes, Diary, and Articles, Referring to the Theban Royal Necropolis and the Tomb of Tutankhamen (catalogued in the Griffith Institute Archive as TAA Archive i.2.1), on pages 77-115. Some recordings of objects and casual notes interspersed among diary entries have been omitted in this transcript.
The transcript presented here has been only very slightly edited, for example by correcting misspellings and eliminating duplication or omission of words. For easier reading, such cases are not marked but scans of the pages of these diaries will be available here soon and may be consulted for details.
Left London 11 am for Trieste.
Left London for Trieste, per Simplon Express, 11 am.
Arrived Trieste 12 pm.
Went on board S.S. 'Helouan'.
Arrived Trieste 11.30 pm - went on board S.S. 'Helouan'.
Left Trieste midday.
Arrived Alexandria 4 pm.
Arrived Cairo 11 pm.
Met Callender & Lucas.
Arrived Alexandria 4 pm. Cairo 10.30 pm.
Lucas to dinner.
Purchased kitchen range
" mats, portmanger
& two zinc baths.
Saw Mr A. Stanley Parker
T.C. Cairo.
Purchased stationery.
Miss Burgess dine 8.15
7 pm. Parker.
Saw Quibell at C.M. and talked over the coming season: campaign together with arrangements for press
& visitors.
To Mohamed Nur Mohamed Baba on a/c 25LE. (As against his salary for six months service 70 LE).
Lisco to buy 2 agricultural shares.
Saw Quibell at the Cairo Museum with whom I made plans for the coming season's campaign
on the tomb of Tut.ankh.Amen.
We discussed what measures should be taken to avoid newspaper disputes and difficulties with
regard to visitors, which rendered the Tut.ankh.Amen work so difficult last year.
Dine 7 ... Payne-[...]
5 pm Neguib.
Maudsley - Payne[...] 1.15 lunch.
Tacla Bey 11 am.
Chauffeur 12 LE.
Went to Alexandria to see the Minister of P.W.D., Abd El Hamid Pasha Suleman and placed
before the programme discussed by Quibell and myself.
The proposals: (1) the Press. Now that I had taken Merton on my staff I proposed to give
through him the same daily report to The Times and to the Egyptian Press. The Times news
would be cabled out in the evening to be printed in the next day's paper. The same news
would be given to the Egyptian Press early in the morning, in ample time to be printed in the
papers of the day. Thus news would reach the public in London and in Cairo practically at
the same time. I also pointed out that in this manner the Cairo newspapers will get for
nothing what all European and American papers will have to pay for. (2) Visitors - I pointed
out that to admit visitors one day each week would involve a very serious loss of time. The
day before visitors are received, all delicate objects must be removed or especially protected;
tools put away, electric wiring altered, and a clear path made. All this involves hours of work
the day before and hours of work the day after, and thus each week one whole day and parts
of two other days would be sacrificed. I therefore proposed that no visitors should enter until
after a definite part of the work of this season is done, and that after an official inspection or
opening, our scientific records taken, visitors should be allowed to enter by tickets obtained
through the Public Works Ministry, for a time, a week or more, if this considered necessary.
That this would probably only be possible after the opening of the sarcophagus as there would
be little or no room to permit passage of visitors before then - the shrines taken up the whole
of the area of this sepulchral chamber. The other chambers, namely the Annexe and Store
Chamber being temporarily closed until the moment for dealing with them came.
Abdel El Hamid Pasha Suleman was agreeable to this plan and asked me to place it before
Furness at the Residency - this I did before lunch and Furness was also agreeable. Furness
after returned my note with his letter dated Oct 17th wherein he remarks that he shewed it to
Scott who remarked that he feared the proposal about visitors would cause disappointment to
many tourists.
As I do not work for tourists nor am I a tourist agent I have taken no notice of this futile
Derry Sat 8.0 pm.
Quibell 10 am.
Tablecloths & napkins.
Saw Quibell re season's programme.
Nahman weight Khaf-Ra.
" lapis lazuli head.
Copy of programme from Quibell.
to Alexandria.
Saw Abd El Hamid Pasha Suleman P.W.D.
Saw Furness of Residency.
Returned Cairo.
Saw Fitzgerald & Lucas.
Tel. Lucas when wanted.
Leave for Luxor 8 pm.
write Merton.
" Customs.
Call Zagloul.
" Quibell
Maudsley, Car.
Left Cairo for Luxor 8pm with Callender and Burton.
Talk to Parker.
Arrived Luxor 9.15 am. Where our native staff met us and reported all well. Remained in
Luxor until the following day.
Crossed over to Goorna.
Inspected the Valley in the evening
Crossed over to Goorna - arriving at my house 11am. Inspected the Valley - Tut.ankh.Amen
Tomb, Laboratory, and Magazine - finding everything and men in good order.
Returned proofs of throne to Ingram.
Parker arrives morning
Paid Rahaan to end of Sept. (100 pts.)
Parker - Times correspondent - arrived Luxor.
Motor car brought over to Goorna.
Made arrangements for operations to commence on exterior work in the Valley on the
following Monday - Oct. 22nd.
Started operations in Valley.
Commenced operations in the valley: with 25 men and 50 boys began clearing and levelling
the area before the entrance of the laboratory (tomb Seti II). So as to have plenty of room for
photographing, restoration, packing, and for the carpenters.
Parker and his wife visited the works during the morning.
The levelling before laboratory completed as well as path leading up to same. Started filling
up holes en route from Tut.ankh.Amen tomb to Lab.
Commenced upon removing the debris placed last season over the tomb of Tut.ankh.Amen .
The work in charge of Reis Ahmed with ten men and Reis Hussein Abou Omar with twenty
boys- the debris being used to fill up the S. end of the trench exposing huts on the S. end of
the foot-hill.
Reises Hussein and Qus continued with the rest of the men to make good the various holes
along the path in the vicinity of the Akh.en.Aten vault.
Burton commenced on the 22nd to make a series of photos of the Valley - beginning at the
mouth continuing towards the royal tombs.
London 1514.0.0
Cairo 573.478
Luxor 689.117
Eg. 1262.595
London 1514
Tut.ankh.Amen cleared to top of staircase. Mason commenced upon repairing the retaining
walls. The tidying of the rest of the Valley also completed.
Opened laboratory (Seti II tomb No. 15) and commenced sorting materials therein. Men paid
for week ending today - Reises received their wages, for summer duty, to Oct. 31st 1923.
Completed preparations in Laboratory and also Magazine.
Put down matting in first bay of Laboratory.
Demand for concession for self (in name of Society!)
Paid wages to date:
Abd El Asl 3 Paid Ahmed (Sofragi)
Ibraheem 2 Exs. for Sudan to Luxor
Taha 2 159 pts.
Rehaan 2.10
LE 9.10
Bradstreet appeared at works, and endeavoured to talk to me to which I refused any conversation.
Callender commenced laying the electric wires to Tut.ankh.Amen tomb and Akhenaten
vault (Dark-room).
Bradstreet appeared in the valley. Refused to converse with him owing to his disgraceful
behaviour and action of last season.
Left for Cairo.
I must leave for Cairo - 6 pm train - to confer with Tottenham (Under Sec. P.W.D.),
Quibell, and the Min. P.W.D. on question of policy with regard to press and visitors for this
season. Having just heard by letter from Quibell that Valentine Williams (Reuters) and
Bradstreet (Morning Post and Hearst press) had lodged a protest at the Ministry against The
Times agreement and proposed policy for this season.
With regard to the Ministry, as aforesaid, I had already placed before them in Cairo and Alex.
a perfectly fair programme to which they then did not seem to raise any objection, pointing
out at the same time there would be attacks by the opposition, but that by taking a firm
attitude such opposition could be frustrated: the Eg. Gov. had obviously waivered.
I trust when the whole matter is again explained to them we shall come to an agreeable and
final settlement. The suggestions made in the memo of today's letter (by Tottenham and
Quibell) would be working for the interests of the opposition and against the interests of the
Gov. as well as ourselves.
Arrived Cairo.
Saw Merton.
" Gany.
Wrote name at Palace.
Lunched Winlock.
Transported materials & timber to Valley.
Arrived Cairo. Saw Merton. Inscribed name visitors book Abdine Palace.
Callender transported materials & timber from rail station to Valley.
10.30 am Ministry P.W.D.
Conferred with Tottenham, Lacau, & Quibell on question of policy regarding press, visitors and
surveillance of Tut.ankh.Amen work.
12.30 saw Abd El Hamid Pasha Min. P.W.D. with above gentlemen - placing our decision before him.
Ministry accepted with certain amendment in regards to inviting press representatives.
Dined Tottenham.
Saw Acworth.
Went to Ministry (P.W.D.) 10.30 am. I found the Eg. Gov. had fully armed itself with legal
advice and that it persisted in maintaining its alleged right to issue a daily bulletin at 8 pm.
However, after a long discussion with Tottenham, Lacau and Quibell, we came to a decision
to which Abd El Hamid Pasha Suleman assented - in brief this decision was: the Eg. Gov.
should waive its rights to issue summary bulletins, and should confide all the duties of
publication to the digger. There were included other details regarding visitors surveillance to
which we had no difference in opinion.
C.M. 11 am. See Lucas.
12 noon Min. P.W.D.
Lunch Maudsley.
4.30 Acworth.
8 pm. Habeeb Bey Basta.
Transported materials & timber to Valley.
At the Ministry I found that the Eg. Gov. had completely gone back on the previous day's
decision. As a result the whole discussion had to be reopened and continued in a vicious circle
until I found myself obliged to present what might be called an ultimatum.
To this ultimatum I received (Nov. 8th) a phone message that the Gov. had decided to accede
to my wishes, i.e., invest me with its alleged rights of publicity, in other words, I should be
the sole source of information as laid down in the original proposal.
Bethell arrived Cairo
Saw Ld. A.
I called on the H.C. Lord Allenby and explained to him the whole situation. He gave me
every reason to believe that he was in perfect sympathy with my case.
Lunch Ld. A.
Lunch Izzeb Pasha.
Fares 1st. 2885
2nd. 1850
Transport 165
Boot laces 20
Matches 10
in hand 6.000
in hand 3.070
Left Cairo for Luxor.
Arrived Luxor - Goorna.
A document covering the Eg. Gov. decision was promised me on Saturday (Nov. 10) for
signature. As I had received nothing on Sunday (Nov. 11). I returned to Luxor, after having
sent Merton to inquire at the Ministry. He found the Gov. to be again shilly-shallying with
only a vague promise of some definite settlement on the following Tuesday (Nov. 13). So to
force matters I was prepared to recover the tomb and stop work altogether. Left Merton in
charge in Cairo.
Received message from Burton 5 pm informing me that Mace (who arrived on Nov. 12) and
Bethell (who had arrived in Cairo on Nov. 7) were coming at once to Luxor to consult me.
Bl. House a/c with A.R.C. 41.045.
Mace & Bethell arrived from Cairo.
Left for Cairo with Mace.
Mace & Bethell brought me the Gov. final decision, with general advice for me to accept. In
its main points it was satisfactory but the reservations so weakened it that I thought it prudent
to return to Cairo and see Lord Allenby, & ask his advice, before sending an agreement to the
Returned to Cairo with Mace.
Arrived Cairo.
Saw Lord Allenby 11.30 am
Saw Tottenham 4.30 pm when I gave him my agreement to the Gov's. proposals - re press & visitors.
Saw Lord Allenby 11.30 am. Saw Tottenham 4.30 pm, when I gave him my agreement to the
Eg. Gov. proposals in lawyer's form of letter covering myself and rights. Tottenham led me to
understand it would be accepted.
For details of the whole negotiations from beginning to the end see file "Press Controversy and
Eg. Gov." No. 8
Returned with Mace & Merton to Luxor.
Returned Luxor with Merton and Mace. Crossed over to Gurna. First copies of the
Tut.ankh.Amen book arrived.
Arrived Luxor - Gurna.
2 1st Fares Luxor Cairo 5770
2 Sleepers " " 2700
2 Dinners " " 700
Exs. " " 145
Tips " " 250
2/ 9.565
Pd. for Mace= 4.782
Mace Return 1st Fare 2.885
Sleeper 1.350 = 32 Exs. 160
LE: 9.177
Wrote to Engelbach to see me Sunday
9.564 Rail Exs.
Opened tomb.
Made preparations to recommence work and open tomb on the morrow (Nov. 19). 5 men &
15 boys actually began and completed the removal of the rubbish in the staircase entrance.
Mace & self experimented on our new contrivances for paraffin wax for preservation of the
Opened tomb.
Removed timber blocking from outer doorway of tomb.
Fixed new wooden door on same.
Examined interior found everything in order.
Mace commenced preservation of couch No. 35 - lion headed. Lunched in magazine for first
time this season, with Bethell, Merton, Mace, Burton and Callender.
Connected up the electricity in both Antechamber and Sepulchral-hall.
Scott leaves London
Burton made photographic records of the interior of the Store Chamber.
Burton took some records of the interior of Store Chamber.
Sir Lee & Lady Stack & party visited tomb 3 pm.
Made plan of objects removed from front of shrine.
Burton photographed objects N. of shrine.
Commenced draughting the plan of the Sepulchral-hall and Shrine. Burton finished his records
of Storechamber and objects between N. side of shrine and wall.
Made plan of objects removed last season from front of shrine.
Sir Lee and Lady Stack and party together with the Mudir of Kena, the Maamour, and
Hakimdar, visited the tomb 3 pm.
Took records of contents of shrine.
Made records of contents between 1st and 2nd shrine within the Sepulchre. Burton taking his
Nat. B. of Eg. Shares 204-7/16=
1. 24.8.9
LE 6598.2.6
Credit Financier % shares 371 PRS
2. 50
LE 7049.00=
Agri. B. Shares 370
3. 2
£1140 1. 6598
4.2.0 2. 722
18.5 3. 1140
_________ £8460
div = 535 per an. = 6%
Continued records of shrine.
Continued records of forepart of interior of 1st shrine as well as a record of the corded and
sealed staples of the 2nd shrine. Closed Storechamber.
Mace having completed the lion-headed couch began upon one of the chariot bodies.
Records of objects between outer shrine and walls of the Sepulchral Chamber continued.
Discovered that the four holes, plastered up and coloured over, for the magical figures in the
walls of the Sepulchral Chamber are intact.
Scott arrives Cairo.
Among other things completed planning objects between shrine and wall of the Sepulchral
Chamber & removed them to the Antechamber. Scott arrived Cairo.
No work.
Packed objects for removal to Laboratory.
Moved statue on E. corner. Moved objects from around shrine up to Lab.
Objects removed to Laboratory early in the morning before visitors arrived in the Valley.
Afterwards packed and removed statue on east side of doorway to Sepulchral Chamber.
Moved Second Statue, tested partition wall.
Burton experimented with kinema camera.
Packed and removed to Laboratory the second statue on west side of doorway leading to
Sepulchral Chamber.
Tested the partition wall between Antechamber and Sepulchral Chamber & found it to be only
built of dry stone-work of irregular splinters of limestone plastered on its faces.
Dr Axell Munthe visited the tomb in the morning also the Laboratory.
Burton made some trials with the kinema camera.
Lacau arrived.
Paid salaries to date.
Fixed wooden screen between opening to Sepulchral Chamber and Antechamber to protect
shrine while demolishing the partition wall.
Commenced pulling down partition wall. The top part to level of wooden lintel found to be
hollow, and comprised dry stone-work of splinters of limestone and flint boulders plastered
only on the outer faces of this wall.
Prepared tray of bran to receive the painted portions of the partition wall on inner side.
Lucas arrived by morning train from Cairo, but did not go up the Valley.
At Laboratory Mace and Bethell having cleaned the body of the second golden chariot were
working upon fragments of harness etc. belonging to do and others.
Scott who should have arrived at Luxor today deferred his departure from Cairo until
tomorrow Sunday evening - he should arrive Monday 3rd.
We now have three native inspectors, namely Shaban Eff., Ibreheem Eff. and Abbadir Eff.,
besides the Chief Inspector Engelbach, watching us, on behalf of the Eg. Gov. I imagine to see
if we do not take anything - this is amusing especially in the case Abbadir Eff. whose
antecedents are certainly not of the best.
Demolished the greater part of the partition wall at end of antechamber; leaving only the lower
part of the two door jambs to be completed on Wednesday. The structure comprising dry
stone work filled in with rubble & dust was of astonishing bad workmanship. In each of the
jambs were wooden bonds on both inner and outer faces. They do not seem to have been
necessary and were probably the cause of certain shrinkage visible at the top of the wall. On
the west side, in the rock wall of the Antechamber where it terminates, the commencement of
a cutting was revealed, while taking away the partition wall, which appears to have been made
to enable ingress of the long cornice pieces of the outer shrine. This would suggest that the
parts of that shrine were taken in before the construction of the partition wall.
The decorated portion of plaster on the inside face of the west door-jamb was removed with
fair success; sufficiently good to reconstruct the scene (there on) for eventual record.
Sir John Marshall Dir. of Antiquities, India, called and visited both the tomb and the
Laboratory. He appears to be an interesting man. Have asked him to lunch Wednesday.
Today being for press view, no work was done in the Tomb. Only four persons visited the
Tomb though the fact that it would be opened to the press had been published by the Gov.
nearly a fortnight ago. These person were: Miss Johnson (no paper nominated), H.A.
Bradstreet of the Morning Post, Valentine Williams special correspondent for Reuter, and a
certain E.S. Aldrich (very doubtful) correspondent of the N.Y. Tribune.
At the Laboratory work on the chariots was continued, while Burton made experiments which
were unsuccessful on autochromes.
Wire Breasted.
Write Rothschild.
Weekly holiday.
Sir John Marshall to lunch.
Scott arrives Luxor.
The demolishing of the partition wall (between Antechamber & Sepulchral Chamber)
completed and part of the wooden screen, placed there for protecting the shrine, was removed.
The lower part of this wall was of the roughest construction, and one wonders how it
remained in such good condition during all the years it stood without showing any signs of
falling away from the rock walls & ceiling.
The piece cut out of the westernmost corner of the end of the Antechamber wall seems
certainly to have been to allow of easy ingress of the larger portions of the shrine.
Sir John Marshall of the India Gov. for Archaeology lunched with us - and we had a long
discussion regarding antiquities laws and division of proceeds, etc.
Now that the partition wall is removed the shrine-within-the-sepulchre can be seen for the
first time properly and the view is magnificent.
Removed wooden protective screen covering exposed portion of the S.E. corner of shrine -
placed there while pulling down the partition wall.
Photographic records taken by Burton of the shrine as it stands untouched in the sepulchral
Commenced upon unhanging the folding doors, by raising the wooden sections of frieze
which acts on this (the E. end) end as the lintel and cornice, thus freeing the door pivots from
their sockets.
Dr. Alexander Scott came & visited both tomb and laboratory.
Removed the two folding doors from the outer shrine. It took the morning - 8.45 to 12.45 -
to carry out this task. They proved to be of great weight, but were it not that the gesso & gold
was in such a precarious state owing to shrinkage of the wood it would have been a
comparatively simple undertaking. It was the handling without unnecessary damage to the
overlays' surfaces which gave most of the trouble.
Experiments were made with 'duroprene' (a chlorinated rubber compound dissolved in an
organic solvent such as zylene) upon samples of the pall fabric which seems to prove most
satisfactory in strengthening it for handling, as well as preservation.
Newberry & his wife arrived Luxor.
Planned & removed objects from the S.E. corner of the shrine which comprised sticks and
staves and a mace. Among them were two sticks, viz. the gold and silver stick of the king,
which bear on the top a silver and gold statuette respectively of solid metal and of very fine
workmanship - these later pieces give a good reason to believe that there must be valuable
material before us in the inner shrine or sarcophagus.
Dr. Scott's results in the examination of the brown marks upon the walls of the tomb are
interesting - his examination proves them to be of the nature of mould from infection of some
P. E. Newberry came this morning and visited both the tomb and the laboratory.
In the course of this morning's work I also removed the portions of the pall that had fallen &
covered objects within the east end of the shrine.
The evidence up to date would lead one to believe that there are only 4 shrines within one
another instead of five as in tomb plan of Rameses IV.
Planned and removed the remaining objects in the forepart of the outer shrine, namely those in
the centre and in the N.E. Corner comprising mostly sticks, two vases and a mace.
Removed cord and seal from the staples of the second shrine, drew the bolts and opened the
right hand folding door a little, i.e., as far as the pall support would allow. Through the small
aperture between the two doors a third shrine was visible corded, bolted and sealed as the
second one, and of similar type and decoration - overlaid with gold and bearing incised
Completed planning the shrines as far as it is possible at the present stage of the work. This
with regard to commencing upon the dismantling of the outer shrine on Wednesday.
Lacau, at 9 am, made me an official visit in reference to his two letters (received on 12th). One
of these letters demanded a full list of my staff, and the other introduced new rules as to visits
& visitors to the tomb.
In the case of the staff the Eg. Gov. claimed the right of approving or refusing any member
they thought fit.
In the case of visits and visitors, whether friends or otherwise, the absolute control was to be
placed in charge of the Chief Inspector, Engelbach, to whom I was to consult on every
In other words I had to get the Govs. sanction before employing anyone on the staff, and could
ask no one into the tomb without Engelbach's permission.
My answer to Lacau was as follows:
I have had a policy dictated which has been making my work increasingly impossible.
Additional communications which I received from you yesterday have brought the matter to
an absolute impass. I decline absolutely to follow the instructions I have now received from
you and I now propose to conduct the work in the tomb under the legal rights with which I
am empowered under the terms of my original concession.
To this Lacau, I think somewhat taken aback, began his usual fountain of words, a great deal
of which referred to my actions and "l'avenir".
I refused further discussion, etc., & we eventually went to the Valley & inspected the recent
discoveries made during these last few days in the tomb. Lythgoe, Harkness, & Mace were
present at this interview with Lacau, Callender acted as interpreter. Though grave as the whole
matter was the whole incident was not without amusing aspects.
Harkness and Lythgoe saw tomb & Lab.
Placed door of outer shrine in its case. Examined roof sections of shrine.
Mrs Harkness, Mrs Lythgoe, and Miss Stillman visited the tomb and Lab.
Renew car licence.
Removed objects and folding doors of outer shrine to Lab. Received pm. wire from
Tottenham asking me to go to Cairo and meet him and Minister (P.W.D.) regarding matter of
Eg. Gov's. proposals discussed with Lacau to which I had already given my refusal to accept.
Arranged to go to Cairo Monday 17th.
Gardiner came and copied hieratic and other inscriptions.
Lifted one section of the roof of the outer shrine preparatory to its removal. Discovered that
the shrine is held together with large bronze or copper dowels at the four corners of the
cornice besides having interlocking and tongued sections.
Prepared chamber for press visits on the morrow.
Mace left pm. for Cairo to meet his wife & child arriving Monday at Alex.
Press view.
Leave for Cairo.
Eight press visits, only one of which was from the Eg. papers, and he not a bona fide
Left for Cairo with Merton.
Saw Tottenham at his house (a.m.) who explained to me the Eg. Gov's. attitude in the matter
of visitors to tomb and our staff - incorporated in the two letters received a few days back.
Saw Abd El Hamid Pasha Suleman (Min. P.W.D.) 4 pm. and had two hours conversation with
him. It became evident that the whole question of staff and visitors raised by the Gov. was the
direct result of local press criticism. In fact the Min. admitted it to be so and to save his face
asked me not to allow Merton to enter the tomb except on press view days. His intention was
upon receiving a list of my staff from me to strike off Merton whom he said he could not
disassociate with The Times. I explained my position in the matter, that Merton was a
member of my staff, seconded by The Times, and that the whole of the press news was
through me - he Merton not being allowed to send any telegram other than signed by me, and
that I should create a wrong precedent if I accepted such a proposition as allowing the Gov. to
accept or refuse entry of anyone of my staff. I said that I feared I could not take such a step or
allow of any such alleged rights of the Eg. Gov. which was a direct attempt on the part of the
Eg. Gov. to interfere in purely private matter outside the terms of the concession and that I felt
obliged to continue my work under the terms invested me by the original concession. But,
before giving an absolute final answer I should like time to consider & confer with my
collaborators. We agreed to 11.30 am the following day for that decision.
Mace had returned Cairo from Alex. with his family - saw him early in the morning.
Dined with Tottenham.
Conferred with Mace & Merton in the morning.
Saw the H.C. Lord Allenby and explained to him the situation & informed him that I intended
to adhere to my decision given verbally to Lacau on the 13th. He was in sympathy with my
action. I afterwards (11.30 am) saw the Min. P.W.D. where I informed him that after very
careful consideration of the matter and Gov's proposals with my collaborators I was obliged to
adhere to my original decision & to refuse the terms dictated by the Gov. incorporated in the
two letters received last week and that I also felt obliged to continue the work in the tomb in
accordance with the powers invested by the original concession. I offered to put in writing this
refusal in such a manner that it could be published broadcast and exonerate him in the eyes of
the press. The Min. was not agreeable to this, so I told him that I would send my answer by
letter in normal manner.
Lunched with Lord Allenby who in conversation told me that though he was unable to take
any action in this matter he was absolutely in sympathy with my decision. (I think rather
pleased to see Eg. Gov. get into trouble).
Left Cairo.
Wired Times explaining situation and asking for their full cooperation in the case of any drastic
action on the part of the Eg. Gov. Mailed correspondence to date upon matter to Times.
Wrote letter to Eg. Gov. incorporating my refusal.
Received phone message from Tottenham asking me to withdraw my letter & if not sent not
to send it. Reminding me of consequences etc. Refused.
Left Cairo for Luxor.
Arrived Luxor - Gurna.
Arrived Luxor - Gurna - Recommenced work. Mace having already started in Lab.
Continued removing first section of roof of shrine.
Continued removing first section of roof of shrine.
Gave Cook 3LE on a/c.
A number of visitors came to Tomb, among them Gen. Haking, Lloyd ex. Gov. of Bombay,
and Madame Sorel and Party.
Lowered section of roof of shrine ready for placing in case on Wednesday.
Show Harkness store chamber.
Lowered first E. front section of roof of outer shrine to ground and rested it against wall of
Its dimensions are too large for egress of passage and staircase. It will have to remain in the
Antechamber until the lower reconstructed steps and portion of lintel of doorway, cut away
originally to allow of its ingress, have been removed.
Commenced in the afternoon upon removing the second central section which will have to
remain in the Antechamber for the same reason.
Mace completed the preparation of the parts of the two chariots - and began packing do.
Lowered IInd central section of roof of outer shrine and stacked it with the first section in the
Antechamber. It is of interest to note that this section was fixed on the wrong way - i.e. the
vultures on the underneath surface were in the reverse direction to those on the first section &
thus the tails where the heads should be.
Sir Herbert Samuel & party visited the tomb and Lab. this morning.
Mace continued packing the Chariots 120 & 122.
Lowered IIIrd section of roof of outer shrine. This took the whole morning - 8.45 to 1.15 -
with the aid of Callender, Burton, & four men.
Protected the four corner uprights and the four cornice pieces of the shrine (207), preparatory
to removing the pall (209) and pall supports (208).
Removed the pall, by rolling it off onto a pole - first removing the numerous metal rosettes
which decorated it. These later were sewn on and in some cases most difficult to detach
without tearing the fabric.
Press day. 4 visits all European, and one visitor. Gen. Man. of G. W. Railway and party visited
the tomb (Pole).
Wrapped the crossbars and stanchions of the pall structure ready for removal.
Stopped work in afternoon 3 pm.
Removed the crossbars and forepart of the pall structure from the interior of the great outer
shrine, making it now possible to open the doors of the inner shrines. The doors of these inner
shrines I propose to open tomorrow as preliminary investigations for the [...] procedure of
work in dismantling them for the examination of the sarcophagus & the opening thereof.
Mace seedy. Newberry examined & described the botanical specimens discovered this season
in the sepulchral chamber.
Made preparations in the morning for opening the nest of shrines. Burton made photographic
records etc.
At 3 pm in the afternoon, in the presence of Harkness, Lythgoe, Engelbach, Newberry, Mace,
Callender, Winlock, Burton, and Lucas, cut the cords of the seal of the 3rd shrine, opened the
folding doors, laying bare the doors of a fourth shrine. The doors of this fourth shrine were
bolted but not sealed. After a little difficulty owing to the sizes and levels of the shrines we
were able to open the doors of the innermost (fourth) shrine which exposed the end of a
magnificent crystalline sandstone sarcophagus intact - for true description of the whole
proceedings see Mace's diary.
Engelbach, who I had asked over for this special experiment, seemed to be much upset - &
behaved in an extraordinary manner.
Newberry continued his examination of the botanical specimens discovered in the sepulchral
Photographic records made by Burton of the doors & sarcophagus as far as the cramped spaced
Harkness & Lythgoe to dine.
Tottenham visited the tomb and saw the sarcophagus. He also informed me of the
contemptible proposed action on the part of the Eg. Gov. founded upon a lying telegram sent
by Bradstreet.
Kept to house feeling off colour.
Mace & the rest continued to work in the tomb.
Paid Ahmed Sofragi LE:10 on a/c.
" Ahmed Cook 2 " "
Closed the doors of the various shrines, preparatory to dismantling them. Commenced
removing the first E. section of roof of the IInd shrine (237). Found that many of the tongues
fixing it to the sides were of solid bronze and inscribed with king's cartouche. Decided to raise
these sections, as well as of the inner shrines, by means of wooden hinges to be constructed at
the carpenter's shop.
This week has been occupied in dismantling three parts of the outer shrine (207). Which has
proved a very slow and difficult task.
Major Astor and party visited the tomb on the 11th Jan.
Today was given up to press visits which I fear owing to the slow progress of the work enabled
them to see but little.
This week has been occupied in dealing with the two inner shrines - i.e., the second & third
Nos. 237 and 238. With which many working difficulties have cropped up owing to their
Also the work has been much delayed by renewed Gov. disputes brought to bear on the work.
In removing the roof sections of the second shrine (237) want of space and the great weight
added enormously to the problem.
With the roof sections of the third shrine (238), invisible copper tongues hidden between the
central point, which again was rebated, made operations without causing damage to the gesso
& gold work very difficult.
Finally when succeeding in extracting these sections the roof of the fourth and last shrine (239)
proved (when exposed) not to be in two sections as the others but in one piece including its
entablature. Hence, now, to overcome this new difficulty we must return to the first shrine
(207) remove all possible sections, the second (237) and third (238) until sufficient space is
obtained to deal with the roof of the fourth (239).
It has been found that the best system of removing the roof section in the confined space up to
the present moment has been by means of (1) improvised double hoisting rollers on the
principal of a winch, (2) supporting & sliding along the hoisted sections on cross ropes fixed
across the scaffold beams. By this means the parts are gradually slide to their temporary
destination. Many of the sections are so large as to prevent any possible egress from the tomb
until the outer doorway & staircase has been enlarged.
For practically each new undertaking incurs a new kind of tackle & scaffolds all of which adds
to the laborious side of this operation.
(15th) Maxwell came to give legal advice upon Gov. action in regard to our work.
(16th) Gardiner & Breasted came to Luxor.
(19th) Breasted came to the Valley in the afternoon. Had a long conversation with him.
Professes to be ready to back me in Gov. disputes.
(20th) Prince Arthur of Connaught visited the tomb and Lab. this afternoon.
Had a long conference with Maxwell, Harkness & Lythgoe as to action in regard to the Eg.
Gov. last letter.
The dismantling of the great outer shrine (207) completed today. We are now prepared to
begin upon the second shrine (237).
Mace, Lucas & Bethell commenced preservation of the second statue (29), the first (22) having
been completed and packed.
Front portion of the second shrine including its two doors removed in presence of the Davies'
& Gardiner's. In the afternoon discussed with Harkness & Lythgoe policy as to action on part
of Eg. Gov.
Breasted came to the Valley with his son. Discussed with him and Gardiner in regard to protest
of Eg. Gov. action with reference to our work on the tomb etc.
Received draft of letter from Maxwell for consideration for sending to the Eg. Gov.
Callender sent in his resignation - blaming my action towards him.
Mace conferred with Harkness & Lythgoe on letter. Callender, Burton, and Lucas continued
work on tomb and Lab.
The Ministry having fallen this week it is doubtful whether any news of a new one will be
known before tomorrow Sunday. They (the old Ministers) lunch with King Fuad today and it
is said the question of a new Ministry will be settled during the afternoon ???
Discussed reply to Eg. Gov.'s last letter with Harkness, Lythgoe and Mace - they kindly
undertaking to make an amended draft of Maxwell's letter.
Dismantled two sections of the second shrine (237) and prepared the sepulchre for the press
view tomorrow.
Noticed that on the end tongues of the side panels the proper orientation had been marked in
black ink - i.e., on the S.W. corners of both first and second shrine panels are the signs <>,
viz.- 'front west'.
Pasted paper over the bad parts of the panels preparatory to removal on Wednesday.
Press day about 25 visits. Mostly visitors coming out of curiosity.
Mrs Newberry commenced upon the restoration as far as it is possible of the remnants of the
pall (209). So much of the fabric which before it was touched appeared though much
darkened (a rich chocolate brown) to be in fair preservation, but in the attempt to remove it
from its support it fell into a brown sooty powder.
Removed the fourth (N. section) section of the cornice of the IInd shrine (237).
Unwrapped a number of sticks, found within the S.E. corner of the outer shrine, before the
archaeologists and wives then at Thebes.
Completed the dismantling of the IInd shrine - (237). Exposed between the walls of this shrine
and those of the IIIrd shrine (238) objects on the north, south, & west sides - these comprise
two fans finely worked and bows and arrows. See photos for exact positions. The fans - gold
handles finely worked and inlaid - are I think unique as far as former discovery goes. Their
ostrich feathers are unfortunately much damaged (?) from early insects.
On one of the tongues (present position N.W. end) of the N. panel is the note <> 'back East'
which corroborates the contention that these shrines have been wrongly placed in the
sepulchral chamber.
Pd. Sals. Abd el Asl
& Rehaan LE9.100
Completely dismantled No. III shrine (238) today - leaving now only the IVth to be taken to
pieces. Both the IIIrd and fourth shrines show signs of having been very carelessly put
together, many of the joints were not even properly closed. Also number of hammer marks
where they endeavoured to force the sections together.
Removed the fans and bows, etc., lying between IInd (237) and IIIrd (238) shrines.
Had conference with Maxwell (who came today especially), Harkness & Lythgoe upon letter
to be sent to the Dir. Gen. S. des. A.
In the afternoon lifted the lid of the fourth shrine (239). Exposing the lid of the sarcophagus.
Lythgoe & Harkness were present.
With the good aid of Winlock, Lythgoe and Harkness dismantled the fourth shrine (239)
exposing the whole of the sarcophagus (240). This proved to be of magnificent type and
workmanship though the actual lid of poorer work, was of granite, cracked in two, and appears
to be a makeshift.
The sarcophagus is of yellow crystalline sandstone, slightly tinted, having the four goddesses
Isis, Nephthys, Neith, and Selkit carved in high relief at the four corners with their winged
arms outstretched protecting the sides and ends of the casket. The upper part has the same
entablature as the three outer shrines - namely: cornice, of cavetto moulding, torus moulding,
and frieze, the latter bearing a legend. At the base is a dado of <> in relief, and on the four
sides of the casket bands of text. On the south side of the sarcophagus, placed nearly central,
was a large wooden painted emblem of <> .
The lid, of granite, cracked in halves, takes the form of the roof of a naos, thus: <> and is
slightly let in the top of the cornice.
Removed the four parts of the IVth Shrine (239).
Shewed Bethell, Breasted (who came in the afternoon) and Newberry the sarcophagus.
Took dimensions of the sarcophagus for necessary glass & tackle to remove the lid. Many
visitors came which gave one little time.
Left for Cairo in the evening with view of seeing the Min. of P.W.D. (Morkhos Bey Hanna).
As arranged with Tottenham the press were allowed to visit the tomb during the morning.
Arrived Cairo. Saw Gardiner in the morning with whom I had a long conversation with
regard to attitude with this new Ministry. He assuring me that their attitude was to be friendly,
and to be willing to let bygones be bygones. He (Gardiner) seemed to have meddled with the
affair rather much, but with obviously good intention.
As arranged saw Min. P.W.D. at 5 pm at the P.W.D. On arrival I was told that the Min. was
late and that I should have to wait some twenty minutes. While so doing I was called to go
and see Tottenham at his office, when Tottenham advised me to only raise the question of the
opening of the sarcophagus with the Minister - in fact he said it would be better if all former
negotiations could be forgotten & papers destroyed. Tottenham, having thus somewhat
disarmed me, suddenly thrust upon me a document which his ministry considered threw light
upon the question of division of the discovery. This document was a permit given to Lord C.
to make an investigation in the Great Northern Valley (8 Dec. 1918) where I thought I had
made a possible discovery. At first I did not recognise it, but when Tottenham pointed out
that it was signed by me & I began to read it carefully the whole subject came clear to my
memory & I at once explained to him that it had nothing to with the Valley of the Kings
contract. We then proceeded to the office of the Min. P.W.D.
There, with Tottenham, I met the new Minister, Morkhos Bey Hanna, who appeared to be
most gracious, and who almost immediately complained that I had sent Gardiner to him with
complaint against the S. des A. This I explained was a mistake and that I believed Gardiner had
gone to him as representative of his colleagues with regard to their feelings in the question of
action on part of the S. des A., and that it was nothing to do with me. The Min. then asked
me if I was 'in accord' with the Service of Antiquities and I told him that I was not 'in accord'
with their methods of administration but that personally other than that my feelings were quite
different. He said or rather asked me that I had any grievances would I write him on the
matter. I answered in the affirmative. The Min. said that I thought possibly I had thought I
might be legally within my rights, I had made a great mistake in forming a contract with The
Times as it had certainly caused a nasty odour with the local press. I agreed, but reminded the
Min. that it was not altogether my doing and that The Times contract was left me as a legacy
which I had to protect, but I assured the Min. that after April (1924), that contract would be at
end & I undertook it would not occur again. He then said that I was wrong in going America
so early this year - that I was in taking up this scientific work a public servant. I pointed out to
him that we were not in exact agreement in this matter, and I immediately brought up the
question of the opening of the sarcophagus - I should add that Tottenham told the Min. that
the previous negotiations had been of an acrimonious nature and that they better be left alone -
the Min. said let us not bring up the past. At this moment of the conversation the Min. said to
me that Mons. Lacau was waiting & could he bring him in? I acquiesced, whereupon Lacau
came in with a dossier in his hand - Tottenham having already brought a dossier with him.
Lacau immediately referred to past events and said that I was guilty of taking into the tomb a
great number of visitors - I answered 'let us stick to facts' I haven't taken in one twentieth of
the number the government had invited, to which remark Tottenham agreed.
The Min. referred to the question of publicity to which Lacau laughed, but at this point I
reverted the conversation to the question of opening the sarcophagus and said to the Min. I
hoped H.E. would be present at the ceremony. The Min. asked me whether they would see
the 'Corpse'? I replied that as far as we were able to judge from previous evidence of the
customs of the royal burials, no, but probably only the outer coffin of a series of coffins
containing the royal mummy. The Min. was disappointed at this & said he did not think it
worth while coming. Then proposed that he should send a delegate and that in the presence of
Mons. Lacau, and other representatives of the Service, I would, with my collaborators, open
the sarcophagus, and that if we were satisfied that the results were sufficiently interesting we
would advise H.E. to come and view it. To this the Min. was in agreement. I also requested
that the press should not be allowed to see the tomb again on Monday 11th as they would see
nothing more than on the past press view (Thursday 7th), but that I proposed opening the
tomb to them on Wednesday 13th to see results of our opening the sarcophagus on Tuesday
12th. I also asked for three or four days from the 14th for taking records, when no visitors
would be allowed to enter the tomb and that then after the Ministry, if they so wished, had
viewed the tomb, we should open it for a period of say about ten days to the public - or rather
authorised visitors holding permits from the Ministry. The Minister was in agreement to this
and asked Lacau, Tottenham and myself to talk over the arrangements, sign them, & present
them to him. To this we (Lacau, Tottenham & self) agreed to do at Lacau's house the
following morning (8th) at 11am. This ended the interview. (I should remark here that though
the whole negotiations appeared be quite amicable I felt inwardly that there was an atmosphere
of hostility; there was certainly an element of dictation in the interview.)
When leaving the Minister's office, just outside the door, Lacau attacked me with regard to
Gardiner's conversation with him - I answered that I knew nothing about it & appealed to
Tottenham against any attacks of this kind.
Cook £E3 on a/c.
At eleven am I met Tottenham and Lacau at Lacau's house. There we drafted our mutual
agreement as procedure (1) the opening of the sarcophagus, (2) admittance of press (3) time
reserved for taking records, and (4) authorized visitors to the tomb - the exact date of the latter
question was mutually agreed to be left open until we knew whether the Minister & his
colleagues would visit the tomb or not. A (5th) clause was entered stating that with the
exception of the 13th inst. (press view) all visits will be suspended from now until the tomb is
opened to authorized visitors.
Tottenham mentioned the fact that some permits had been issued for the period in question
and asked what was to be done about it. I replied to that point that we would do our best to
overcome the difficulty.
We (Lacau, Tottenham and self), signed the draft agreement, and Tottenham was requested to
present the document to the Min. P.W.D. This ended our negotiations.
I returned to Luxor that evening - having purchased tackle and glass for the coming
Lacau suggested to me that necessary scaffolding & preparations would have to be installed in
the tomb against damage of the objects during the visits.
We also agreed that the permits issued by the Ministry should not exceed 750 as the time
allotted to these visits would not permit of more people - than 75 a day, this in the interests of
the public and in the upkeep of the monument - Lacau suggested 200 a day - ie. 10 am to 1
pm & I represented to him that only a certain number of 'peas could be passed through a tube
in a given time'.
Arrived Luxor - Gurna. Conferred with Mace who lunched with me. I represented to Mace
that though I had gained the points we wanted for our scientific side of the investigation and
also those regarding press and public visits, I, personally, was not impressed with the general
attitude of this new Gov., and stated that 'oil and water would not mix'.
Previous to my departure to Cairo, Engelbach had written to me a letter suggesting a quite
new rule with regard to our light supply in the tomb. It was to the extent that if I require light
in the afternoon I must give him at least 2 hours notice before hand - this so as to enable him
to check his engineers accounts and only for that reason. I annotated his letter asking to waive
the point as I could not always let him know beforehand whether I might want the light in the
afternoon or not and if it was a question of accounts I would check them for him - therefore
would he please let the matter rest at that.
I also reiterated this request to Engelbach in the tomb on the same morning I wrote the note in
reply to his.
Last working day.
(November 3, 2010)