Griffith Institute | Privileged Access Archive Tours
1. We offer tours to recognised Egyptological and specialist societies. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer tours to individuals.
2. Tours are provided at the discretion of the Institute's staff and must be booked at least six weeks in advance. Please let us know if you are interested in a particular Egyptological topic. The Griffith Institute is closed on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays).
3. Because of restricted space in the Archive, each tour is limited to eight people. We offer a maximum of two tours per day.
4. Please advise us in advance if any members of your group have restricted mobility or cannot stand for the duration of the tour so that we can make any necessary arrangements regarding access and seating. Please note that the Archive is not on the ground floor and is is accessible via a steep staircase.
5. For security reasons, organisers must provide the names of all visitors attending the tour in advance.
6. Eating and drinking, including water and chewing gum, is not permitted beyond the entrance of the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library. Please do not use ink in the Archive. Pencil only.
7. We cannot take responsibility for personal belongings. Lockers are available in the Library Entrance rotunda (£1.00, refundable).
8. Some photography is allowed in the Archive with permission. Flash is not permitted.
9. We accept that it is sometimes necessary to change, or cancel tour arrangements. Please try give us as much notice as possible.
10. Our Archive funding is severely limited, so we propose a minimum donation of £15.00 per visitor for Egyptological societies (other groups, please email us for a quote). Donations towards Archive conservation, digitisation and communication are welcome. Please refer to the Griffith Institute's donation page on Oxford University's giving website. Cheques need to be made payable to the "University of Oxford", not the Griffith Institute.
11. During tours, we always welcome questions regarding the material and Archive projects.
12. If the fire alarm sounds, Griffith Institute staff will escort visitors out of the building.
(21 February 2025)