Griffith Institute Squeezes
made in Theban tomb TT 106,
of the Vizier, Paser,
of the reigns of Sethos I and Ramesses II (c.1285-1255 BC)

Concept and editing: Jaromir Malek
Cataloguing and editorial assistance: Elizabeth Fleming
Scanning: Junghwa Choi and Jenni Navratil

A systematic publication of the tomb of Paser, one of the most important officials of the early Ramessid period, has been anticipated for the past fifty years but has not yet taken place. The nineteen squeezes made, or acquired, in Egypt in 1854-5 by the Revd. Henry Stobart (1824-1895) may, therefore, contain details which no longer exist in situ.

All the descriptions and the plan have been taken from B. Porter, R. L. B. Moss and E. W. Burney, Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings, i Part 1 (Oxford, 1960). Because the coverage of reliefs in the tomb is far from complete, only descriptions of the relevant scenes are given here.

(5) Paser rewarded, and acclaimed by courtiers, before [Sethos I] followed by Maet, with souls of Pe and Nekhen in front of him.

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Upper part of Sethos I.

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Upper part of Paser.

(6) Two registers. I, Paser outside temple approves statue of Sethos I, and carpenters with wooden construction beyond. II, Paser with attendant inspects weighing before Custodian of the House of Gold, with three rows of craftsmen (sculptors making sphinxes, vase-makers, and goldsmiths) beyond.

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Sculptors making sphinxes, in register II.

(10) Two registers, six scenes. I, Book of Gates, 1, souls of Pe and Nekhen and baboons adore barque of Atum containing Sethos I kneeling before Atum, 2, two rows, Paser kneeling adores gates with guardians, &c., 3, Paser with parents before [Osiris]. II, 4, Paser, followed by relatives, censes and libates offerings, and blind male musicians (one a lutist) with song, and offering bearers, below, 5, priest with litany before Paser and mother (with monkey eating under chair), 6, Paser and parents with relatives and bas drinking in tree-goddess scene.

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Souls of Pe and Nekhen, from register I, scene 1.

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Guardians, and text from Book of Gates, from register I, scene 2, top row, left end.

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Guardian, and text from Book of Gates, from register I, scene 2, bottom row, right end.

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The father of Paser, from register II, scene 4.

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A relative of Paser, from register II, scene 4.

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A relative of Paser, from register II, scene 4.

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A relative of Paser, from register II, scene 4.

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A relative of Paser, from register II, scene 4.

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A relative of Paser, from register II, scene 4.

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Upper part of priest, from register II, scene 5.

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Upper part of Paser and mother, from register II, scene 5.

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Relatives of Paser, from register II, scene 6.

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Upper part of relatives of Paser, from register II, scene 6 (reversed; probable identification).

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Paser receiving libation from tree-goddess, with ba bird in lower right corner.

Pillar F, side (d).

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Paser, from register I.

Pillar H, side (a).

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Lion-headed Mertesger in register I.

(January 22, 2007; updated February 16, 2023)

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