Compiled by Jaromir Malek and Elizabeth Miles.
- P. Sebah, Phot: `No.95. Port d`Assouan Hte. Egypte.'
[before 1874]
33.9 by 26.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3365.
The landing stage with boats.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
37.3 by 26.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3574.
The landing stage with boats.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1900]
34.4 by 23 cm. Gr. Inst. 662.
The landing stage with boats. Taken at the same time as
the following photograph.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1900]
28 by 21.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 4170.
The landing stage with boats. Taken at the same time as
the preceding photograph.
- Not signed: (a) `1831'. (b) No caption. [before
(a) 20.8 by 15.8 cm. Gr. Inst. 3499.
(b) 20.8 by 15.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 6196.
View across the landing stage towards Elephantine.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1872]
20.8 by 15.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 3500.
View across the river towards Qubbet el-Hawa.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1893]
26.1 by 20 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.5.
The landing stage with boats.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1900]
28 by 21.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 4169.
The landing stage with boats, and el-Hammam (`The Bath of
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1872]
20.9 by 16.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3503.
View of boats and houses, perhaps in Aswan or a village
El-Hammam. (`The Bath of Cleopatra').
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
33.5 by 23.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 663.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
37.3 by 26.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 3575.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1872]
20.8 by 15.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 3501.
Qubbet el-Hawa.
- Zangaki: `No.1052 Assouan Tombeau d`Amenhotep. 1466
a. J.C.' [c.1890]
21.5 by 27.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 6028.
View of the interior of the tomb of Sirenput II
The Nile dam.
- Peridis: `Pont de l`ecluse au reservoir d'Assouan N
27.2 by 21.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 664.
The Ptolemaic and Roman temple.
- P. Sebah, Phot: `No.98, Ile de Bigueh, Pres
(a) 25.9 by 20.3 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 50.
(b) 27.1 by 20.8 cm. Number changed from 68 in red
Gr. Inst. library B 35.
- A. Beato: no caption. [before 1872]
36.1 by 25.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3507.
- F.M. Good: no caption. [c.1860]
20.8 by 15.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 797A.
- P. Sebah, Phot: `No.104. Rochers de Konosso, pres de
Phylae.' [c.1875]
25.8 by 20.4 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 52.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
37.2 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3573.
General views of the temples.
- F.M. G[ood]: no caption. [c.1860]
20.4 by 16 cm. Gr. Inst. 822A.
View of the island from the south-west.
- (a) P. Sebah, Phot: `No.99. Ile de Philae Vue generale
(b) and (c) P. Sebah, Phot: `No.99. Ile de Philae. Vue
Generale des Temples.' [before 1874]
(a) 34 by 25.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 3376.
(b) 25.8 by 20.2 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 51.
(c) 27 by 20.9 cm. Gr. Inst. library B 39.
View from the south-east.
- J.P. Sebah: `880: Philae: vue generale des temples.'
26.5 by 20 cm. Milne Album 2, 50.
View from the south-east.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1900]
(a) 34.7 by 21.5 cm. Gr. Inst. 796.
(b) 25.9 by 20 cm. Gr. Inst. 797.
(c) 37.2 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3564.
(d) 27.9 by 21.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 4171.
View of the island from the south-west.
- A. Beato: no caption. [before 1872]
36.1 by 25 cm. Gr. Inst. 3508.
View of the island from the south-west.
- A. Beato: no caption. [before 1872]
35.9 by 25.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 3510.
View from south-east.
- Zangaki: `No.300 Phylae Vue generale'. [c.1890]
27.8 by 21.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 792.
View of the island from the south-west.
- Peridis: `Philoe vue generale No.1267'. [c.1900]
27.8 by 21.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 793A.
View of the island from the south-east.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
25.9 by 19.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 790.
Distant view of the island from the south-east.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1900]
(a) 26.1 by 20 cm. Gr. Inst. 791.
(b) 27.9 by 21.8 cm. Gr. Inst. 4172.
(c) 25.9 by 20.2 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.11.
View of the island from the north-west.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
27 by 21 cm. Gr. Inst. 793.
View of the island from the south-west.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
25.8 by 20 cm. Gr. Inst. 794.
View of the island from the north-east.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
33.9 by 22.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 795.
View of the island from the north-east.
- Not signed (`David Robertson & Co. Alexandria and
on the mount of c): no caption. [before 1872]
(a) 20.8 by 15.8 cm. Gr. Inst. 3374.
(b) 20.9 by 15.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 3517.
(c) 20.7 by 15.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 6182.
Distant view of the island from the south.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1874]
(a) 20.8 by 16 cm. Gr. Inst. 3375.
(b) 20.6 by 15.9 cm. Gr. Inst. library B 37.
View of the island from the south-west.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
38.1 by 25.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 3561 [left]
View from the south-east. Adjoined on the right by the
following photograph.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
36.7 by 25.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 3561 [right]
View of Trajan`s kiosk. Adjoined on the left by the
preceding photograph.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
37.1 by 26.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3563.
View of the island from the south-east.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 37.2 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3565.
(b) 37.9 by 26.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 4253.
(c) 36 by 26.1 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.8.
View of the island from the north-west.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1875]
20.7 by 15.8 cm. Gr. Inst. library B 36.
Distant view of the island from the south.
The temple of Isis.
The porch of Nektanebos I.
- A. Beato (reversed): no caption. [c.1890]
20 by 26 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.9.
The court with the colonnades and the first pylon.
- F.M. Good: no caption. [c.1860]
15.9 by 21 cm. Gr. Inst. 815A.
The western side of the gate of Ptolemy II
- Zangaki: `No.1086 Phylae porte cote est du temple
21.6 by 28 cm. Gr. Inst. 6047.
The eastern side of the gate of Ptolemy II
- [P. Sebah, Phot:] `No.100'. [c.1875]
27 by 20.9 cm. Number changed from 70 in red ink.
Gr. Inst. library B 40.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
25.9 by 20.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 800.
- A. Beato: no caption. [before 1872]
35.6 by 25.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3512.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
37.3 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3568.
- H. Bechard: `No.32 Philae Colonndes du Temple d`Isis
(Ouest).' [before 1887]
37.1 by 26.8 cm. Gr. Inst. Bechard 32.
View from the pylon to the south-west.
- Zangaki: `No.810 Philae Facade du temple d`Isis.'
27.8 by 21.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 801.
- Peridis: `Philoe colonnades et temple d`Isis N 1164.'
27.8 by 21.7 cm. Gr. Isnt. 802.
The western colonnade.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1900]
(a) 26.1 by 20.5 cm. Gr. Inst. 798.
(b) 28.1 by 21.8 cm. Gr. Inst. 4173.
Also showing some of the Hathor-columns of the porch of
Nektanebos I.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 25.7 by 19.8 cm. Gr. Inst. 799.
(b) 26.2 by 20.1 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.12.
- [E]dit. Schroeder & Cie Zurich: `5593. Phylae la gr.
rangee des Colonnes.' [c.1890]
26.3 by 20.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 4208.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 37.2 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 3567.
(b) 37.7 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 4254.
(c) 35.9 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 6120.
The reliefs on the first pylon.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
26.2 by 37.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3569.
Isis, Horus of Edfu, and Hathor. PM vi, 215
- A. Beato (reversed): no caption. [c.1890]
20 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 803.
Priests carrying the bark of Isis. PM vi, 218 (110)-
The second eastern colonnade.
- P. Sebah, Phot: `No.102. Colonnade de la Cour du
d`Isis. Tle. de Phylae.' [c.1875]
27 by 21.1 cm. Gr. Inst. library B 41.
- J.P. Sebah: `Phylae Gd temple Colonnade du Nord.'
26.9 by 20.8 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.23.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
37.3 by 25.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 3571.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
36 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 6119.
- H. Bechard: `No.34 Ile de Philae. Collonade orientale
Temple d`Isis.' [before 1878]
37.1 by 26.9 cm. Gr. Inst. Bechard 34.
Reproduced Bechard and Palmieri L'Egypte et la
Nubie 1887: pl.cxxvi
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
25.8 by 19.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 804.
The birth house.
All general views are those of the eastern facade.
- J.P. Sebah: `Phylae. Grand Temple: Portique de
26.1 by 20.9 cm. Milne Album 2, 52.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
26.1 by 19.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 805.
- A. Beato: no caption. [before 1872]
36 by 25.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3513.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
37.2 by 26.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3572.
- Edit. Schroeder & Cie Zurich: `5598. Phylae; Pronaos
Temple. Cote de l'est.' [c.1890]
26.2 by 20.6 cm. Gr. Inst. 4205.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
26.6 cm. by 20.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 806.
- [Za]ngaki: `N.1087 Phylae Interieur de la
Bibliotheque'. [c.1890]
21.1 by 27.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 6048.
Registers of scenes, including Horus as a hawk in a
papyrus-clump. PM vi, 225-6 (197)-(198).
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
20.1 by 25.8 cm. Gr. Inst. 807.
The same scene as on the preceding photograph.
The southern (outer) face of the second pylon.
- P. Sebah, Phot: `No.101. Ile de Phylae 2me. Pylone du
temple d`Isis.' [before 1874]
26.2 by 33.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 3377.
The eastern wing.
- J.P. Sebah: `[8?]84: Phylae Gd temple 2me. Pylone'.
25.7 by 20.8 cm. Milne Album 2, 51.
- A. B[eato]: no caption. [c.1890]
19.9 by 25.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 808.
The eastern wing.
- A. Beato (reversed): no caption. [c.1890]
20 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 809.
The central gate.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
26 by 37.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 3570.
The eastern wing.
- H. Bechard: `No.31 Ile de Philae, 2e. Pilone du Temple
d`Isis.' [before 1878]
26.8 by 37 cm. Gr. Inst. Bechard 31.
The eastern wing.
Reproduced Bechard and Palmieri L'Egypte et la
Nubie 1878: pl.cxxv (reversed).
- Zangaki: `1074 N.1074 Phylae Facade du pylone Auguste
Imp. Isis et H[...].' [c.1890]
28.5 by 22.6 cm. Gr. Inst. 6049.
The eastern wing.
- Not signed (`David Robertson & Co. Alexandria and
on the mount): no caption. [c.1870]
21 by 16.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 6176.
The hypostyle.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 22.4 by 33.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 811.
(b) 26 by 35.2 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.13.
View of the columns.
- A. Beato (reversed): no caption. [c.1890]
21.2 by 27.8 cm. Gr. Inst. 6130.
View of the columns.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
19.8 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 810.
View of the columns.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
19.9 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 812.
Wall-relief, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II offers oil to Isis
and Harpocrates, and pours libation on altar before
mummified Osiris-Onnophris and Isis. PM vi, 233 (268)-
The kiosk of Trajan (`Pharaoh`s Bed').
- P. Sebah, Phot: `No.103. Ile de Phylae. Temple
Hypaethrate.' [before 1874]
34 by 26.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 3378.
View from the south-east. Very similar to the following
- P. Sebah, Phot: `No.103. Ile de Phylae, temple
Hypaethrate.' [before 1874]
27.1 by 21 cm. Gr. Inst. library B 42.
View from the south-east. Very similar to the preceding
- J.P. Sebah: `903: Phylae: temple Hypetre (Ouest).'
25.8 by 20.5 cm. Milne Album 2, 53.
View from the south-east.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
25.9 by 19.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 816.
View from the north-east.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 25.9 by 20 cm. Gr. Inst. 817.
(b) 26.2 by 20 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.22.
View from the south-east.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
26 by 20 cm. Gr. Inst. 818.
View from the south.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1900]
(a) 25.9 by 20 cm. Gr. Inst. 819.
(b) 28 by 21.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 4174.
(c) 26 by 20.1 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.21.
View from the west.
- A. Beato: no caption. [before 1872]
35.9 by 25.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 3509.
View from the south.
- A. Beato: no caption. [before 1872]
36 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3511.
View from the south-east.
- A. Beato: no caption. [before 1872]
(a) 35.9 by 24.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 3516.
(b) 37.2 by 26.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3562.
(c) 36.1 by 26.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 6118.
(d) 36 by 26 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.6.
View from the south-east.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 37.2 by 26.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3566.
(b) 35.9 by 26 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.10.
View from the west.
- H. Bechard: `No.38. Ile de Philae. Temple ypaeirale,
(Nord).' [before 1878]
37.1 by 26.9 cm. Gr. Inst. Bechard 38.
View from the north-west.
Reproduced Bechard and Palmieri L'Egypte et la
Nubie 1878: pl.cxxx (reversed).
- Zangaki: `No.818 Phylae La Kiosque d`Isis'.
27.4 by 21 cm. Gr. Inst. 813.
View from the south-east.
- Zangaki: `No.820 Philae Temple d`Isis et le Nil.'
27.7 by 21.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 814.
View from the north-east.
- Zangaki: `No 1082 Phylae Le Kiosque d`Isis.'
28.1 by 22.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 4114.
View from the south-east.
- Zangaki: `N 1084 [...]'. [c.1890]
27.9 by 22 cm. Gr. Inst. 6050.
View from the south-east.
- Edit. Schroeder & Cie. Zurich: `5591. Phylae le
et le Pylone.' [c.1890]
26.7 by 20.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 4204.
View from the south-east.
- Peridis: `Kiosk du Philoe N 1161'. [c.1900]
27.7 by 21.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 815.
Partly submerged. View from the south-east.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
26.9 by 20.5 cm. Gr. Inst. 820.
View from the north-east.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
26.7 by 21 cm. Gr. Inst. 821.
View from the north-west.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
36.1 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 6121.
View from the south.
- Not signed (`David Robertson & Co. Alexandria and
the mount): no caption. [c.1870]
20.9 by 16.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 6177.
View from the south-east.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1875]
20.1 by 15.1 cm. Gr. Inst. library B 38.
View from the south.
The `Gate of Diocletian'.
- J.P. Sebah: `906: Phylae: Arc de triomphe.'
26.6 by 20.4 cm. Milne Album 2, 54.
- F.M. Good: no caption. [c.1860]
20.7 by 16.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 665.
- F.M. G[ood]: no caption. [c.1860]
20.7 by 15.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 792A.
- P. Sebah, Phot: `No.96. CATARACTE d`ASSOUAN, Vue
(a) 26 by 20.3 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 49.
(b) 27 by 21.1 cm. Gr. Inst. library B 34.
- P. Sebah, Phot: `No.97. Cataracte d`Assouan.'
14 by 10 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 48.
- J.P. Sebah: `870: Premiere Cataracte la grande porte.'
26.7 by 19.6 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.24.
- A. Beato: no caption. [before 1872]
35.5 by 25.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3505.
- A. Beato (reversed): no caption. [c.1890]
25.2 by 19.5 cm. Gr. Inst. 4191.
- Not signed (`David Robertson & Co. Alexandria and
on the mount of b): `[18]30'. [before 1872]
(a) 20.9 by 16.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3502.
(b) 20.7 by 15.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 6179.
- Edit. Schroeder & Cie Zurich.: `5583. Premier
(Another signature and caption deleted.) [c.1890]
26.2 by 20.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 4214.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1872]
20.9 by 15.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 3506.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
26.2 by 20 cm. Gr. Inst. 3577.
The temple of Isis.
- [P. Sebah, Phot.]: `No.105'. [c.1875]
26.1 by 19.1 cm. Number changed from 75 in red ink.
Gr. Inst. library B 43.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
37.3 by 26.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3560.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1872]
20.3 by 15.5 cm. Gr. Inst. 3518.
View of the three pylons.
The temple.
- [P. Sebah, Phot.:]: `No.106'. [c.1875]
27.2 by 20.9 cm. Number changed from 76 in red ink.
Gr. Inst. library B 44.
- J.P. Sebah: `929 Kerdasheh: temple vue d`Oust
26.2 by 19.8 cm. Milne Album 2, 55.
- A. Beato: no caption. [before 1872]
(a) 25.8 by 19.6 cm. Signature cut off. Gr. Inst.
(b) 36 by 25.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 3519.
(c) 26.1 by 20.3 cm. Signature cut off. Gr. Inst.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
37.2 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3559.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1874]
20.9 by 15.6 cm. Gr. Inst. 3379.
The quarry.
- Not signed (`David Robertson & Co. Alexandria and
the mount): no caption. [c.1870]
20.6 by 15.6 cm. Gr. Inst. 6178.
The exterior of the shrine.
Rock-temple of Ramesses II.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
25.9 by 19.5 cm. Gr. Inst. 4257.
View of the forecourt with entrances to the vestibule.
The temple of Mandulis.
General views.
- F.M. Good: no caption. [c.1860]
20.6 by 15.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 832A.
- J.P. Sebah: (a) `933: Nubie: Kalabcheh exterieur du
temple'. (b) `933. Nubie Kalabcheh exterieur du temple.'
(a) 26.9 by 19.9 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.29.
(b) 27 by 20.1 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 13.100.
- J.P. Sebah: `932: Kalabcheh exterieur du temple.'
26.8 by 20.7 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.30.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 26.2 by 20 cm. Gr. Inst. 831.
(b) 25.9 by 20 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.25.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 37.2 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 3556.
(b) 37.7 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 4256.
(c) 36 by 25.8 cm. Gr. Inst. 6123.
The facade of the hypostyle.
- P. Sebah, Phot: `No.107 Temple de Kalabcheh en Nubie.
Portique.' [c.1875]
(a) 26 by 20.2 cm. Caption partly cut off. Gr. Inst.
(b) 27 by 21 cm. Gr. Inst. library B 45.
- J.P. Sebah: `934: Nubie: Kalabcheh portique du
(a) 26.9 by 20.8 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.28.
(b) 26.8 by 19.5 cm. Milne Album 2, 56.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 20 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 833.
(b) 19.8 by 26 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.27.
- A. Beato: no caption. [before 1872]
(a) 24.9 by 35.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 3520.
(b) 26.1 by 37.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3557.
(c) 26.1 by 36 cm. Gr. Inst. 6122.
- Not signed: `[1]808'. [before 1872]
20.3 by 16.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 3521.
The temple built by Augustus.
- P. Sebah, Phot: `No.109 Temple de Dandour Nubie.'
13.8 by 10.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 834.
- J.P. Sebah: `936: Nubie: Dandour: vue generale du
26.9 by 20.7 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.32.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
26.1 by 20 cm. Gr. Inst. 835.
Taken at the same time as the following photograph.
- [A. Beato]: no caption. [c.1890]
37.7 by 25.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 4258.
Taken at the same time as the preceding photograph.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 37.2 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3555.
(b) 36.2 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 6124.
The temple built by Ramesses II.
- J.P. Sebah: `[...] Nubie: Gireheh (temple).'
26.9 by 20.8 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.35.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
26.3 by 20.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 837.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 37.2 by 25.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 3554.
(b) 36.1 by 25.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 6125.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1872]
20.1 by 15.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 3522.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1872]
20.3 by 15.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 3523.
The temple of Thoth of Pnubs.
- P. Sebah, Phot: `No.110 Temple de Dakkeh, Nubie.'
(a) 25.9 by 20 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 53.
(b) 26.9 by 20.9 cm. Gr. Inst. library B 46.
- J.P. Sebah: `940: Nubie: Dakkeh (temple).'
27 by 20.9 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.36.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 26 by 19.8 cm. Gr. Inst. 838.
(b) 26.2 by 20.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 4259.
(c) 26.2 by 19.9 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.37.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1872]
20.3 by 15.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 3524.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
25.7 by 15.5 cm. Milne Album 2, 57.
The temple of Serapis.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 25.8 by 20 cm. Gr. Inst. 840.
(b) 26.2 by 20.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 4260.
(c) 26.1 by 20.1 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.33.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 37.1 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 3553.
(b) 36.1 by 25 cm. Gr. Inst. 6126.
The temple built by Ramesses II.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 25.9 by 20 cm. Gr. Inst. 842.
(b) 26.2 by 20.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 4261.
(c) 26 by 20 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.34.
- Not signed: `1801'. [before 1872]
20.3 by 15.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 3525.
Colossal statues and sphinxes in front of the outer
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 36.5 by 23.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 843.
(b) 37.3 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3552.
View of the village.
The temple.
- J.P. Sebah: `945: Nubie: temple d`Amada.'
27 by 20.9 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.39.
The temple of Re-Harakhty.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1872]
20.3 by 15.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 3526.
The town.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 37.3 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 3551.
(b) 37.8 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 4262.
(c) 36.1 by 26 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.40.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
25.5 by 20.1 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.31.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1872]
20.3 by 15.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 3527.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 37.2 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 3550.
(b) 37.6 by 25.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 4263.
The Great Temple.
The facade with four seated colossi of Ramesses II.
- P. Sebah, Phot: `No.111. Temple d`Abou-Simbel. Nubie.'
[before 1874]
(a) 33.8 by 26.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3385.
(b) 34.4 by 26.2 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 55.
(c) 26.9 by 20.5 cm. The caption written in a slightly
different way. Gr. Inst. library B 47.
- J.P. Sebah: `948 Abou-Simbel: temple (Facade) Nubie)'
26.8 by 20.8 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.42.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 36.4 by 24.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 845A.
(b) 37.1 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 3548.
(c) 37.8 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 4264.
(d) 36.1 by 26.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 6128.
- A. Beato: no caption. [before 1872]
35.5 by 25.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3528.
- H. Bechard: `No.3 Temple d`Ibsamboul (Nubie).'
[before 1878]
37.2 by 26.9 cm. Gr. Inst. Bechard 3.
Reproduced Bechard and Palmieri L'Egypte et la
Nubie 1878: pl.cxlvii
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1900]
(a) 26.1 by 20 cm. Gr. Inst. 845.
(b) 28 by 20.5 cm. Gr. Inst. 4175.
(c) 26 by 19.9 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.43.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1870]
21 by 15.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 6199.
The three northern colossi.
- Not signed: `1796'. [before 1872]
16.2 by 20.6 cm. Gr. Inst. 3530.
The second colossus from the north.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
20 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 848.
Queen Nefertari by the right leg of Ramesses II, and two
Nile-gods on the side of throne of the second colossus
the north.
Other views.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
19.9 by 25.6 cm. Gr. Inst. 844.
Stela of Ramesses II by the right leg of the southernmost
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1880]
20 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 4265.
View of Osiride statues in the Great Hall, still partly
buried in the sand.
- J.P. Sebah: `952 Abou-Simbel interieur de la Salle
(Nubie).' [c.1890]
20.9 by 27 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.44.
View of the interior of the Great Hall.
The Small Temple.
The facade with colossal standing statues of Ramesses II
Queen Nerfertari.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 36.4 by 24.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 849.
(b) 37.1 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3549.
(c) 37.6 by 25.8 cm. Gr. Inst. 4266.
(d) 36 by 26.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 6127.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
26.1 by 20 cm. Gr. Inst. 850.
- A. Beato: no caption. [before 1872]
36.3 by 25.8 cm. Gr. Inst. 3529.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1870]
21 by 15.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 6198.
- [A. Beato]: no caption. [c.1890]
The next
adjoins on the right.
35.7 by 25.7 cm. Badly damaged. Gr. Inst. 3546
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
The preceding
adjoins on the left.
(a) 36 by 25.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 3546 [right].
(b) 36 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 6246.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
The next
adjoins on the right.
37.1 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3547.
- [A. Beato]: no caption. [c.1890]
The preceding
adjoins on the left.
36 by 26.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 6247.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1872]
(a) 20.3 by 15.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3532.
(b) 20.8 by 15.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 6197.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1872]
15.1 by 20.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 3533.
The rock of Abusir.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1900]
(a) 28 by 21.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 4176.
(b) 26.1 by 19.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 6248.
- W. Hammerschmidt: `N.185.' [before 1872]
27.2 by 20.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 3436.
Grove of date palms and prickly pear.
- P. Sebah Phot.: `No.43. Palmiers. Gyzeh.' [before
34.1 by 26.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 3352.
- P. Sebah Phot: `No.43. Palmiers a Gyzeh.'
25.8 by 20.3 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 28.
- P. Sebah Phot: `51 Palmiers sur l`emp.ent de
Antinoe Haute-Egypte.' [c.1875]
25.5 by 20.1 cm. Gr. Inst. library B 1.
Palm grove at el-Sheikh Ibada.
- P. Sebah, Phot: `No.88. Hermonthis - Village Arabe.
Hte. Egypte.' [c.1875]
(a) 25.8 by 20.4 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 43.
(b) 26.4 by 19.3 cm. Number changed from [.]0 in red
Gr. Inst. library B 28.
- P. Sebah: `No.88. Hermonthis. Haute Egypte. Village
[before 1874]
33.9 by 26.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 3364.
- J.P. Sebah: `947 Palmiers & Bord du Nil a Deer
(Nubie)'. [c.1890]
27 by 20.9 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.45.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
37.2 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 3558.
Dom-palms near Kalabsha.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
26.1 by 35.9 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.92.
Dom-palms and a pool (or canal), with a group of men.
- H. Bechard: `No.131. Forˆt de Palmiers.' [before
37.1 by 25.9 cm. Gr. Inst. Bechard 131.
- Bonfils: `1442 Bouquet de palmiers pendant
(a) 28.2 by 22.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 3303.
(b) 27.1 by 22 cm. Gr. Inst. 4098.
- Zangaki: `N 966. L`arbre Doum a la Aute Egypte.'
22.1 by 27.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 6207.
Villagers with a camel and donkey in front of a
- Photogr Art. G. Lekegian & Co.: `Foret de Palmiers
(Sakkarah.) 344.' [c.1890]
27.5 by 20.9 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.4.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1874]
24.9 by 19.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3358.
Grove of date palms.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1874]
24.9 by 18.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 3359.
Cactus plants.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1900]
21.7 by 27.8 cm. Gr. Inst. 4177.
Villagers with a camel in front of dom-palms.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1876]
25.9 by 20.2 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 20d.
A village on the bank of the Nile.
IRRIGATION. Sakias (water-wheels) and shadoofs.
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1900]
28 by 21.6 cm. Gr. Inst. 4117.
A sakia powered by oxen, with people (the same group as
the following photograph).
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1900]
36.3 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 6245.
The same group of people as on the preceding
- H. Bechard: `No.209. Chadouf Systeme d'arosage Arabe.'
[before 1878]
26.9 by 37.1 cm. Gr. Inst. Bechard 209.
Men and a shadoof.
- Zangaki: `No 343 Saqquieh.' [c.1890]
28.3 by 22 cm. Gr. Inst. 4103.
A sakia with a man and an ox.
- Zangaki: `No 540 Saqqieh egyptiene.' [c.1890]
28.1 by 22 cm. Gr. Inst. 4095.
A sakia with a man and an ox.
- Zangaki: `N 560 Chalouf a la Aute Egypte.'
21.6 by 27.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 6263.
Men with a shadoof. The same group as on the following
- Zangaki: `N 672 Chadouf a la Haute Egypte.'
22 by 28.4 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.130.
Men with a shadoof. The same group as on the preceding
- Zangaki: `N 630 Chadoufs de la Haute Egypte.'
28.1 by 21.8 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.144.
Men at two shadoofs.
- Not signed: `1508 1508 Sakieh [...] Haute [...].'
28 by 22.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 3289.
A boy and oxen at a sakia.
- Not signed: `1804'. [before 1872]
20.7 by 15.6 cm. Gr. Inst. 3504.
A man with a gun in front of a sakia, perhaps at Aswan or
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1872]
(a) 20.6 by 16.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3531.
(b) 20.8 by 16.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 6187.
A sakia with a man and oxen, perhaps at Abu Simbel or
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
20 by 25.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 6204.
A man and a boy at a double shadoof.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1900]
27.4 by 21.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 4116.
Two men at a double-shadoof.
- Bonfils: `1415. Groupe de barques a voiles remontant
Nil.' [c.1890]
28.1 by 22.6 cm. Gr. Inst. 3299.
- Zangaki: `No.471. Voiliers arabe dans le Nil.'
27.9 by 21.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 4097.
- Photogr Art. G. Lekegian & Co.: `[...] No.264.'
20.9 by 28.1 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.213.
A raft with a sail loaded with fodder(?).
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1874]
25.1 by 19.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3361.
Sailing-boats tied up at the bank.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1874]
33.2 by 22.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 3457.
The dahabeeyah `Cleopatra' at Thebes.
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1872]
14 by 9.5 cm. Gr. Inst. 3460.
The Nile bank at Luxor with boats.

- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
37.2 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3590.
The dahabeeyah `Nubia' at Luxor.
- Not signed: no caption. [1875-6]
(a) 25.2 by 20.6 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 1.
(b) 25.6 by 21.3 cm. Gr. Inst. library A unnumbered.
The dahabeeyah `Aida' at Elephantine.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
20.6 by 26.6 cm. Somers Clarke MSS 11.7.
The dahabeeyah `Antar'.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 36.8 by 26.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 4178a
(b) 37.2 by 26.6 cm. Gr. Inst. 4178b. (Much
The dahabeeyah `Hathor'.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
(a) 36.5 by 25.4 cm. Gr. Inst. 4179a.
(b) 36.8 by 26 cm. Gr. Inst. 4179b. (Much damaged.)
The crew of the dahabeeyah `Hathor'.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1900]
27.8 by 21.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 4118.
Sailing-boats on the Nile.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1900]
28.1 by 21.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 4152.
A dahabeeyah at Luxor.
- W. Hammerschmidt: `186'. [before 1872]
26.7 by 20.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3435.
Burden camels.
- W. Hammerschmidt: `188'. [before 1872]
26.8 by 20.6 cm. Gr. Inst. 3434.
Caravan camp.
- [P. Sebah]: 31. Md. de Sucreries.' [before 1876]
9.9 by 13.9 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 9.
Sweetmeat seller.
- P. Sebah: `43 bis. Cafe arabe. (a Gyzeh).' [before
10.1 by 13.8 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 10.
- [P. Sebah]: `63 Femmes puisant de l`eau au Nil.'
[before 1876]
14.1 by 9.9 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 20b.
- P. Sebah, Phot: `No.112 [...] du [...]'. [before
9.8 by 13.8 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 54.
Nubian women and children in front of the temple at el-
Dakka. The same group as on the following photograph.
- [P. Sebah, Phot:]: `No.112'. [before 1876]
20.9 by 27.2 cm. Number changed from 79 in red ink.
Gr. Inst. library B 48.
Nubian women and children in front of the temple at el-
Dakka. The same group as on the preceding photograph.
- J.P. Sebah: `151 Chameaux.' [c.1890]
26.9 by 21 cm. Coloured in by hand. Gr. Inst. 6267.
Four riders on camels.
- J.P. Sebah: `848: Esneh (village).' [c.1890]
26.9 by 20.8 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.93.
Four seated men in the foreground, with boats and
- J.P. Sebah: `941: Dakkeh group de Nubiens.'
27 by 21 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.38.
Nubian women and children in front of the temple at el-
- A. Beato: no caption. [c.1890]
35.9 by 25.8 cm. Gr. Inst. 6244.
A boy and a camel.
- A. Beato (reversed): no caption. [c.1900]
28 by 21.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 4115.
Water carriers on the bank of the Nile.
- H. Bechard: `No.19 La Chasse au Crocodile
[before 1878]
37 by 26.8 cm. Gr. Inst. Bechard 19.
A group of Nubians with a captured crocodile.
- Bonfils: `625. Types de femmes du peuple.'
22.7 by 28.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3298.
A woman with a child, and another woman behind a
- Bonfils: `673. Sakkas vidant leurs outres.'
22.8 by 28.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3301.
- Bonfils: `704. Chamelier portant la poste a travers le
desert.' [c.1880]
28.1 by 22.5 cm. Gr. Inst. 3302.
Perhaps not in Egypt.
- Bonfils: `733 Femme arabe et son enfant a bourdel.'
22.8 by 28.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 3292.
A veiled woman and a child on a donkey led by a man.
- Bonfils: `742. Laboureur en Egypte.' [c.1880]
27.8 by 21.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 4104.
Ploughman with a team of oxen, with the pyramid of Khufu
the background.
- Bonfils: `[...] Halte de chameliers dans le desert.'
27.9 by 21.6 cm. Gr. Inst. 6205.
Perhaps not in Egypt.
- Bonfils: `1451. Scene du desert: Aspect general d`un
campement de tribu bedouine.' [c.1880]
28.3 by 23.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3294.
- Bonfils: `1454. Scene du desert. Halte dans le desert
chameliers en priere.' [c.1880]
28 by 22.5 cm. Gr. Inst. 3305.
- Bonfils: `1457. Scene du desert: Abondon d`un chameau
par une caravanne.' [c.1880]
27.9 by 21.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 4106.
- Zangaki: `No.677 Fileurs de sois'. [c.1880]
27.6 by 21.5 cm. Gr. Inst. 4102.
Two men spinning silk.
- Abdullah Freres: `Bord du Nil, Bedrechine No.30.'
20.5 by 26.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 3290.
Women doing washing and fetching water at Badrashein.
- Photogr Artistique. G. Lekegian & Co.: `Md.
No.103'. [c.1890]
20.9 by 27.5 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.196.
A street water-seller and a man drinking.
- Photogr. Artistique G. Lekegian & Co.: `Marchand de
tripes. No.104.' [c.1890]
20.8 by 27.5 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.195.
A street tripe-seller and a female customer.
- G. Lekegian & Co. Cairo: `Ballaquin a chameau.
28 by 21 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.193.
A palanquin carried by camels.
- Photogr. Artistique. G. Lekegian. &. Co.: `Bord du
Nil. No.122.' [c.1890]
27.3 by 20.6 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.215.
Women and children fetching water, with tied up boats in
the background.
- Photogr. Art. G. Lekegian &. Co.: `Boutique de
Menuisier. No.147.' [c.1890]
27.3 by 20.3 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.202.
A carpenter`s shop.
- Photogr. Art. G. Lekegian. &. Co.: `Fabricants
en cuivre (pres Khan Khalili) No.149.' [c.1890]
28.1 by 21.9 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.216.
A metalworker`s shop.
- Photogr. Art. G. Lekegian. & Co.: `Porteur d`eau
No.197.' [c.1890]
27.4 by 20.9 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.214.
A water-carrier with a donkey.
- Photogr. Artistique. G. Lekegian. &. Co.: `Laveuses au
du Nil No 203'. [c.1890]
25.8 by 19.3 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.133.
Women washing clothes, with a sailing boat in the
- Photogr. Art. G. Lekegian. &. Co.: `La crue du Nil.
No.263.' [c.1890]
28 by 21 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.203.
Men and boys with an ox and camel standing in water.
- Photogr. Art. G. Lekegian &. Co.: `[...] No.271.'
27.8 by 21 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.206.
A man with a donkey loaded with crates of fodder.
- Photogr. Art. G. Lekegian. &. Co.: `Ciseleurs sur
[...] (pres Khan [...] No.281.' [c.1890]
26.8 by 20.7 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.217.
A metalworker`s shop.
- Phot. Art. G. Lekegian & Co.: `No.348 Groupe de
27.4 by 20.9 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.197.
Three water-sellers.
- Photogr Art. G. Lekegian &. Co.: `Menageres portant
l`eau. No.397.' [c.1890]
27.5 by 20.9 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.198.
A group of women and girls with pots balanced on their
- Photogr Art. G. Lekegian. &. Co.: `Femmes sur la
charette. No.408.' [c.1890]
27.4 by 21 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.211.
Three women on a donkey-pulled cart.

- Photogr. Art. G. Lekegian & Co.: `[...]'.
27.9 by 21 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.212.
A woman selling artichokes and a street water-seller.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
15.8 by 11.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 3276.
Men with camels and donkeys, with the Giza pyramids in
- Not signed: no caption. [before 1872]
(a) 20.8 by 16.2 cm. Gr. Inst. 3356.
(b0 20.6 by 15.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 3449.
Sugar cane market at Asyut.
- Not signed: `546. Harvest of grain in Upper Egypt.'
21.9 by 16 cm. Gr. Inst. 4105.
A threshing machine pulled by oxen.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1900]
28 by 21.8 cm. Gr. Inst. 4136.
Sugar cane market, perhaps at Luxor.
- Not signed: `135. Fellahines portant de l`eau.'
26.1 by 34 cm. Gr. Inst. 6163.
Two women with pots balanced on their heads, and another
carrying a child?
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
21.1 by 27.1 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.194.
Two Sudanese harpists.
- Not signed (L. Fiorillo, Phot.): `272. Caire. - Groupe
Chameaux.' [c.1880]
14.9 by 9.8 cm. Gr. Inst. 3994.
- W. Hammerschmidt: `194'. [c.1870]
27.9 by 21.6 cm. Gr. Inst. 6173.
A group of street musicians.
- W. Hammerschmidt: `N.195.' [c.1870]
21 by 26.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 6174.
A veiled woman.
- [P. Sebah]: `20. Porteur d`eau.' [before 1876]
10 by 14.2 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 26.
- [P. Sebah]: `29. Cafetier arabe.' [before 1876]
9.9 by 13.7 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 24.
A man making coffee and another smoking a hookah.
- [P. Sebah]: `30. Anier.' [before 1876]
9.9 by 14.1 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 20c.
A man with a donkey.
- [P. Sebah]: `48. Se‹s.' [before 1876]
9.8 by 13.9 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 20a.
A man with a stick.
- [P. Sebah]: `50. Jeunes filles arabes.' [before
9.8 by 13.7 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 23.
A group of girls, some with tambourines.
- [P. Sebah]: `[...]'. [before 1876]
9.6 by 13.8 cm. Gr. Inst. library A 27.
A street water-seller.
- Bonfils: `No.581. Femme du peuple au Caire.'
21.9 by 28.1 cm. Gr. Inst. 4099.
A veiled woman with a water-jar.
- Bonfils: `No.587. Buste de femme fellah.'
22.7 by 28.3 cm. Gr. Inst. 3304.
A veiled woman holding a jar.
- L. Fiorillo, Phot.: `412. Femme Bedouine.'
9.8 by 13.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 3992.
- L. Fiorillo, Phot.: `419. Femme Fellah.' [c.1880]
9.4 by 13.9 cm. Gr. Inst. 3991.
- L. Fiorillo, Phot.: `452. Sais (Avant-coureur.).'
9.9 by 13.7 cm. Gr. Inst. 3993.
- Photog. Art. G. Lekegian. &. Co.: `[...] No.53.'
20.8 by 27.4 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.143.
Portrait of a bearded man wearing a fez.
- Phot. Art. G. Lekegian & Co.: `Femmes indigenes
causette. No.58.' [c.1890]
27.9 by 20.9 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.129.
Two veiled women seated.
- Phot. Art. G. Lekegian & Co.: `No.101 Femme Soudanaise
(Tete).' [c.1890]
21.6 by 23.8 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.119.
- Phot. Art. G. Lekegian & [Co.]: `No.126 Dame du Caire
Voilee'. [c.1890]
20.8 by 27.8 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.132.
A veiled woman.
- Photogr Artistique G. Lekegian. & Co.: `Bedouin de
Sinai. No.130.' [c.1890]
20.9 by 27.4 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.138.
A bearded man standing.
- Photogr Art. G. Lekegian. &. Co.: `Dame Indigene
de Ville) No.135.' [c.1890]
20.8 by 27.3 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.172.
A veiled woman.
- Phot. Art. G. Lekegian & Co.: `Femmes avec Ballas en
No.192.' [c.1890]
21 by 26.1 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.131.
Two women with water-jars.
- Phot. Art. G. Lekegian & Co.: `Costume Bedoin No.49[.]
231.' [c.1890]
20.8 by 27.5 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.141.
A man with a gun over his shoulders.
- Photog. Art. G. Lekegian. &. Co.: `Groupe de Bicharis.
No.248.' [c.1890]
17.7 by 23.9 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.118.
Three Bishari nomads.
- Phot. Art. G. Lekegian & Co.: `Femme de la
No.251.' [c.1890]
21 by 28.1 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.127.
- [Phot. Art. G. Lekegian & Co.]: `No.276 Femme
20.8 by 27.5 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.114.
- Phot. Art. G. Lekegian & Co.: `No.279 Femme
20.9 by 27.5 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.113.
An Ethiopian woman wearing elaborate jewellery.
- Phot. Art. G. L[ekegian & Co.]: `N 303'. [c.1890]
14.5 by 24.8 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.121.
A Negress showing cuts on her arms and torso.
- Phot. Art G. Lekegian & Co.: `No.309 Cheik Nubien.'
20.8 by 27.1 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.142.
- [Phot. Art. G.] Lekegian & C[o.]: `No.311
[D]am[e ...]ienne.' [c.1890]
20.9 by 27.3 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.112.
Portrait of a woman showing cuts on her face.
- Photogr Art G. Lekegian. &. Co.: `Marchand de
No.316.' [c.1890]
20.3 by 26.9 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.171.
- Phot. Art. G. Lekegian & Co.: `No.321 Prˆtre Copht.'
20.4 by 27.5 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.140.
- Photogr Art. G. Lekegian. &. Co.: `Le chef Bedouin des
Pyramides. No.317.' [c.1890]
20.5 by 27.3 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.137.
- Phot. Art G. Lekegian & Co.: `No.430 Femme Soudanaise
(type).' [c.1890]
21.2 by 27.1 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.120.
- Phot. Art. G. Lekegian & Co.: `No.459 Danse de
27.8 by 21.5 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.145.
A group of musicians and dancers.
- Photogr Art. G. Lekegian. &. Co.: `[S]oudanais de la
Galieh. 466.' [c.1890]
20.6 by 27.5 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.136.
A seated man holding a sword.
- Photogr Art. G. Lekegian. &. Co.: `Dame de la tribu
467.' [c.1890]
19.8 by 25.1 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.116.
- P[hotogr Art.] G. Lekeg[ian. &. Co.]: `495 Bedoin du
Sinai.' [c.1890]
22.5 by 28.8 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.139.
Portrait of a bearded man.
- Ph[ot.] Art. [G.] Leke[gian & Co.]: [`...'].
20.8 by 28 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.135.
A woman holding a water-jar and a small boy. Same people
as on the following photograph.
- [Phot. Art. G. Lekegian & Co.]: no caption.
20.9 by 28 cm. Watermark `S. & C. Malmedy No.92.'
Somers Clarke MSS. 11.128.
A woman carrying a small boy on her shoulder. Same
as on the preceding photograph.
- Photogr Artistique G. Lekegian. &. Co.: `Jeune fille
arabe.' [c.1890]
20.9 by 27.4 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.126.
A young girl holding a water-jar.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
24.2 by 32.1 cm. Oval-shaped. Gr. Inst. 6202.
Portrait of a veiled woman.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
26.2 by 33.8 cm. Gr. Inst. 6203.
Portrait of a bearded man.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
21 by 25.1 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.134.
A woman carrying a child on her shoulder.
- Not signed: no caption. [c.1890]
16.3 by 21.4 cm. Somers Clarke MSS. 11.117.
Portrait of a Bishari boy.
(October 10, 1995.)