The Griffith Institute
University of Oxford
Detail of Tutankhamun's outermost coffin (object no. 253)

Research Visit Information

Applications to consult material in the Archive of the Griffith Institute must be made at least two weeks in advance. Archive access requests:

The Griffith Institute Archive is open Monday to Friday, 10:00-13:00 and 14:00-16:00, subject to national holidays and availability of staff.

The Archive is located on the premises of the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library, but the Griffith Institute is not part of the Bodleian Libraries.

1. Visitors to the Archive must make an appointment at least two weeks in advance. A letter of recommendation may be required from first-time users. The Archive is normally open 10:00-13:00 and 14:00-16:00, Monday to Friday. The Griffith Institute is closed to visitors on Saturdays and Sundays.

2. The Archive is wheelchair accessible. The Archive is not at Ground Floor Level, the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library lift is used to access the Archive location level of the building. Further information can be provided on request.

3. The temperature and humidity in the Archive is set at an optimum level for the material housed there (18oc/60%), the constant exchange of air makes the space feel much cooler than it actually is. Research visitors working in the Archive should dress accordingly; we strongly recommend that visitors bring warm clothing.

4. Research visits are invigulated by Griffith Institute staff at all times.

5. Please arrange with a member of Griffith Institute staff if you wish to interrupt your session for any reason, this includes coffee/tea/lunch breaks. Eating and drinking, which includes bottled water and chewing gum, is not permitted beyond the entrance of the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library.

6. Access to the Archive is restricted to authorised Archive researchers and Griffith Institute staff. Research visitors may not receive personal visitors in the Archive.

7. The level of noise must be kept to a minimum when working in the Archive. Mobile devices must be set to silent, and no phone calls should be taken or received unless absolutely necessary.

8. Manuscript material must be handled with care. Material can be either be handled wearing the supplied cotton gloves or with clean hands. Hand-washing facilities are available near by. Manuscripts must not be left exposed to sunlight. Material cannot be removed from the Archive.

9. No ink is permitted when working with Archive material. Pencils to be used for taking notes. A limited number of items may be consulted at a time. Visitors are not permitted to help themselves to Archive material from the stacks.

10. The Griffith Institute reserves the right to refuse photography requests. No scanning or photocopying of Archive material is permitted. High quality digital images of archive material can be ordered: digital imaging charges.

11. Images of Archive material are for study purposes only. The copyright of images of Archive material belongs to the Griffith Institute. Permission to reproduce images must be obtained in advance of publication. Reproduction charges are applied to non-specialist publications. Applications to reproduce Archive material to be submitted via email: or by post.

12. Griffith Institute IT equipment is not available to visitors. Archive visitors are welcome to use their own laptops or notebooks. Temporary Oxford University wifi licences can by arranged on request for research visitors working in the Griffith Institute Archive for an extended period. Eduroam is also available.

13. Visitors to the Archive who require access to books in the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library during their visit will require a Bodleian Library card. These are arranged through the Bodleian admissions office. Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library enquiries should be directed to the Egyptology Subject Librarian [Griffith Librarian], Anthea Crane.

14. If the fire alarm sounds, please leave the building as quickly as you can. Griffith Institute staff will direct visitors to the nearest fire exit route.

(20 May 2024)