A copy of My Early Years, by Sir Alan Gardiner. Typed, photocopied and bound
by John Gardiner at Ballaghaue, Isle of Man, 1986. Includes Henry John Gardiner,
... A very few reminiscences by his younger son, and The Tutankhamun
tomb, by Margaret Gardiner. (Donation.) The
papers of Sir A.
H. Gardiner are in the Griffith Institute.
Two albums of photographs. (Donation.)
One album, formerly belonging
to Captain H. Langford, contains albumen prints of Antonio Beato's
photographs taken in the 1890s,
especially views of the Luxor and Karnak temples and the
Ramesseum. See
online database of similar 19th-century
"studio photographs" in the Archive of the Griffith Institute (some of the
photographs in the album are new and will be added to the database). The other album contains
photographs taken during a trip to Egypt in 1923, including views of
the then recently discovered tomb of Tutankhamun
(Howard Carter's
excavation records are in the Archive of the Griffith Institute).
Colour scan of a letter to P. E. Newberry (1869-1949) from 'C. S. H.'
Four photographs showing objects from the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. (Donation.)
Seven card-indexes compiled by E. J. Baumgartel (1892-1975) recording
grave finds from Naqada and Ballas. (Internal transfer.) They are based
on Flinders Petrie's excavation records. The Archive of the Griffith
Institute already has
some papers of E. J. Baumgartel.
Some papers of Professor Mordechai Gilula (1936-2002). (Donation.) These include a copy of an extensive study of The negation of the adverb in demotic, proofs of articles, notes, correspondence and an index of words and phrases illustrating various grammatical concepts.
(January 27, 2005)