Under the terms of the A. H. Gardiner Fund for Egyptological Purposes, the Management Committee of the Griffith Institute at Oxford, on its fiftieth anniversary, has decided to establish travel scholarships to be advertised from time to time as funds permit, to promote co-operation between British and Egyptian scholars involved in any aspect of the study of Ancient, Graeco-Roman and Christian Egypt to AD 1000. The awards can be held anywhere in the United Kingdom or Egypt.
Candidates must be scholars who would benefit from a period of residence for study purposes either in the Arab Republic of Egypt, if normally resident in the United Kingdom, or the United Kingdom if Egyptian. The electors particularly wish to encourage the exchange of visits among younger scholars.
(a) Candidates normally resident in the United Kingdom should submit applications describing their project in detail with a breakdown of costs accompanied by a curriculum vitae and the names of two referees with personal experience of their work. Grants will only be paid on receipt of the necessary permission from the Egyptian authorities for the proposed research.
N.B. Applications from scholars normally resident in the United Kingdom will not be accepted if the electors consider that the application has been made only to supplement a larger excavation or survey budget.
(b) Egyptian candidates must have a British academic sponsor or sponsoring institution to undertake all administrative arrangements for their visitor. The Griffith Institute will make its archives and library available under the scheme, but it cannot in any circumstances act as the sponsoring body for the purpose of these awards. The sponsor should write a letter in support of the nominated visitor and forward the appropriate documentation, including curriculum vitae, outlining research programme, information about the duration and location of the proposed visit and breakdown of costs, and the dates of arrival in and departure from the United Kingdom. Candidates may be required to undergo a test of proficiency in spoken English.
(c) Successful candidates will not be awarded a further scholarship within a period of five years.
Visiting scholars to the United Kingdom would normally receive a grant of up to £3,000. Scholars visiting the Arab Republic of Egypt would normally receive a grant of up to £2,500. One return fare will be paid separately at an agreed rate.
Applications must reach the Assistant Secretary, Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford OX1 2PH by the 1st of October, 1997.
(May 6, 1997)