The papers of Terence DuQuesne (1942-2014) in the Griffith Institute
Three months ago, on the 17th of April 2014, the British Egyptologist Terence DuQuesne passed away. In his memory, we are pleased to announce that his papers will be soon available for consultation at the Griffith Institute.
Terence DuQuesne generously bequeathed his research papers to our institution, while his personal egyptological library has joined those of the universities of Swansea and Lampeter. The bequest to the Griffith Institute includes DuQuesne’s vast set of research notes, negatives, photographs and digital files on the ‘Salakhana trove’, the large hoard of New Kingdom stelae discovered in 1922 in the 12th Dynasty tomb of Djefaihapi III at Asyut [PM iv.264(5)], most of which is now kept in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Within the material donated to the GI there is also his extensive correspondence, as well as notes, papers and lectures on jackal deities, a particular research passion of DuQuesne.
All this material is currently being rehoused and catalogued for consultation.