The Griffith Institute
University of Oxford

Excavation journals and diaries made by Howard Carter and Arthur Mace

Howard Carter's pocket diaries (transcripts and scans)

2nd Season

Molony (????) 11 am.

Sir William Garstin 1.30 Brooke's Club.

9. Broadcasting

Rees 4.530

Lady Burghclere.

Fortnum & Mason

10-30 Mitchell

5.30 Lady Maxwell.

Newberry's lunch. 1.15

Leave for Egypt

Left London 11 am for Trieste

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 157-8.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.157-8.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 157-8.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.157-8.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 157-8 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.157-8)

Esperia from Genoa Alex. 8th

Arrived Trieste 12 pm.

Went on board S.S.'Helouan'.

Heluan or Vienna Trieste Alex. 8th

Left Trieste midday.

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 159-160.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.159-160.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 159-160.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.159-160.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 159-160 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.159-160)

Arrived Alexandria 4 pm.

Arrived Cairo 11 pm.

Met Callender & Lucas.

Stove for kitchen.

Lucas to dinner.

Purchased kitchen range

" mats, portmanger

& two zinc baths.

Saw Mr A. Stanley Parker

T.C. Cairo.

Purchased stationery.

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 161-2.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.161-2.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 161-2.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.161-2.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 161-2 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.161-2)

Miss Burgess dine 8.15

7 pm. Parker.

Saw Quibell at C.M. and
talked over the coming season: campaign
together with arrangements for press & visitors.

To Mohamed Nur Mohamed Baba
on a/c 25LE. (As against his salary
for six months service 70 LE).

Lisco to buy 2 agricultural shares.

Dine 7 … Payne-[…]

5 pm Neguib.

Maudsley - Payne[…] 1.15 lunch.

Tacla Bey 11 am.

Chauffeur 12 LE.

Derry Sat 8.0 pm.

Quibell 10 am.


Tablecloths & napkins.

Saw Quibell re season's programme.

Nahman weight Khaf-Ra.

" lapis lazuli head.

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 163-4.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.163-4.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 163-4.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.163-4.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 163-4 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.163-4)

Copy of programme from Quibell.


to Alexandria.

Saw Abd El Hamid Pasha Suleman P.W.D.

Saw Furness of Residency.

Returned Cairo.

Saw Fitzgerald & Lucas.

Tel. Lucas when wanted.

Leave for Luxor 8 pm.

Write Merton.

" Customs.

Call Zagloul.

" Quibell





Maudsley, Car.

Talk to Parker.

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 165-6.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.165-6.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 165-6.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.165-6.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 165-6 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.165-6)

Crossed over to Goorna.

Inspected the Valley in the evening

Returned proofs of throne to Ingram.

Parker arrives morning

Paid Rahaan to end of Sept. (100 pts.)




Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 167-8.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.167-8.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 167-8.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.167-8.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 167-8 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.167-8)

Started operations in Valley.

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 169-70.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.169-70.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 169-70.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.169-70.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 169-70 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.169-70)

London 1514.0.0

Cairo 573.478

Luxor 689.117

Eg. 1262.595

London 1514


Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 171-2.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.171-2.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 171-2.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.171-2.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 171-2 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.171-2)

Demand for concession for self
(in name of Society!)

Paid wages to date:

Abd El Aal 3 Paid Ahmed (Sofragi)

Ibraheem 2 Exs. For Sudan to Luxor

Taha 2 159 pts.

Rehaan 2.10

LE 9.10

Bradstreet appeared at works, and endeavoured
to talk to me to which I refused any

Left for Cairo.

Arrived Cairo.

Saw Merton.

" Gany.

Wrote name at Palace.

Lunched Winlock.

Transported materials & timber
to Valley.

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 175-6.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.175-6.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 175-6.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.175-6.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 175-6 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.175-6)

10.30 am Ministry P.W.D.

Conferred with Tottenham, Lacau, &
Quibell on question of policy
regarding press, visitors and surveillance
of Tut.ankh.Amen work.

12.30 saw Abd El Hamid Pasha
Min. P.W.D. with above gentlemen -
placing our decision before him.
Ministry accepted with certain
amendment in regards to inviting
press representatives.

Dined Tottenham.

Saw Acworth.

C.M. 11 am. See Lucas.

12 noon Min. P.W.D.

Lunch Maudsley.

4.30 Acworth.

8 pm. Habeeb Bey Basta.

Transported materials
& timber to Valley.

Bethell arrived Cairo

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 177-8.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.177-8.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 177-8.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.177-8.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 177-8 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.177-8)

Saw Ld. A.

Lunch Ld. A.

Lunch Izzeb Pasha.

Fares 1st. 2885

2nd. 1850

Transport 165

Boot laces 20

Matches 10


in hand 6.000




in hand 3.070

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 179-80.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.179-80.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 179-80.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.179-80.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 179-80 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.179-80)

Left Cairo for Luxor.

Arrived Luxor - Goorna.




Bl. House a/c with A.R.C. 41.045.

Mace & Bethell arrived from Cairo.

Left for Cairo with Mace.

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 181-2.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.181-2.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 181-2.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.181-2.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 181-2 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.181-2)

Arrived Cairo.

Saw Lord Allenby 11.30 am

Saw Tottenham 4.30 pm when I
gave him my agreement to the Gov's.
proposals - re press & visitors.

Returned with Mace & Merton to Luxor.

Arrived Luxor - Gurna.

2 1st Fares Luxor Cairo 5770

2 Sleepers " " 2700

2 Dinners " " 700

Exs. " " 145

Tips " " 250

2/ 9.565

Pd. For Mace= 4.782

Mace Return 1st Fare 2.885

Sleeper 1.350 = 32 Exs. 160

LE: 9.177

Wrote to Engelbach to see me Sunday



9.564 Rail Exs.




Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 183-4.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.183-4.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 183-4.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.183-4.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 183-4 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.183-4)

Opened tomb.

Opened tomb.




Scott leaves London

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 185-6.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.185-6.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 185-6.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.185-6.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 185-6 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.185-6)

Burton took some records of the
interior of Store Chamber.

Sir Lee & Lady Stack & party visited
tomb 3 pm.

Made plan of objects removed from
front of shrine.

Burton photographed objects N. of shrine.

Took records of contents of

Nat. B. of Eg. Shares 204-7/16=

1. 24.8.9


LE 6598.2.6

Credit Financier % shares 371 PRS

2. 50





LE 7049.00=


Agri. B. Shares 370

3. 2

£1140 1. 6598

4.2.0 2. 722

18.5 3. 1140



div = 535 per an. = 6%

Continued records of shrine.

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 187-8.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.187-8.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 187-8.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.187-8.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 187-8 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.187-8)

Scott arrives Cairo.

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 189-90.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.189-90.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 189-90.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.189-90.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 189-90 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.189-90)

Moved statue on E. corner.
Moved objects from around shrine
up to Lab.

Moved Second Statue, tested wall
partition wall.

Burton experimented with kinema camera.

Wire Breasted.

Baron Edoard de Rothchild.

Scott & Lucas arrived.

Lacau arrived.

Paid salaries to date.

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 191-2.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.191-2.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 191-2.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.191-2.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 191-2 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.191-2)




Wire Breasted.

Write Rothschild.

Sir John Marshall to lunch.

Scott arrives Luxor.

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 193-4.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.193-4.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 193-4.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.193-4.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 193-4 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.193-4)

Renew car licence.

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 199-200.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.199-200.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 199-200.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.199-200.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 199-200 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.199-200)

Press view.

Leave for Cairo.

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 201-2.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.201-2.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 201-2.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.201-2.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 201-2 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.201-2)

Left Cairo.

Arrived Luxor - Gurna.

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 203-4.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.203-4.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 203-4.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.203-4.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 203-4 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.203-4)

Gave Cook 3LE on a/c.

Howard Carter's Diary 1923, p. 205-6.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.205-6.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 205-6.jpg (TAA.i.2.22.205-6.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1923, p. 205-6 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.22.205-6)

Paid Ahmed Sofragi LE:10 on a/c.

" Ahmed Cook 2 " "

Howard Carter's Diary 1924, p. 4-5.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.4-5.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 4-5.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.4-5.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 4-5 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.23.4-5)

Pd. Sals. Abd el Aal



& Rehaan LE9.100

Howard Carter's Diary 1924, p. 18-19.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.18-19.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 18-19.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.18-19.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 18-19 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.23.18-19)

Cook £E3 on a/c.

Howard Carter's Diary 1924, p. 22-3.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.22-3.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 22-3.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.22-3.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 22-3 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.23.22-3)

Last working day.

Howard Carter's Diary 1924, p. 24-5.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.24-5.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 24-5.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.24-5.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 24-5 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.23.24-5)

Leave for Cairo 7 pm. (with Mace).

Tels. Molony.

Arrived Cairo, Saw Mawell, Lythgoe & Harkness.

Lunched with Maxwell

Lundined Harkness & Lythgoe

Bethell leaves Luxor for Cairo

(went to instruction for Sinclar)

typewritting machine.

Howard Carter's Diary 1924, p. 32-3.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.32-3.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 32-3.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.32-3.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 32-3 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.23.32-3)

Maxwell 4pm from Alexandria

Tel. Maxwell Carlton.

House a/c

Sofragi (Ahmed Ali) from 15. Oct. Feb. 29. = 4 1/2 Months
@ 7.500 per mens. = 33.750
Pd. on a/c. Jan. 7. 10.000
Bl. due 23.750
Pd. Feb. 25th 1924.

Cook. (Mohamed Baba) from 15. Oct. Feb. 29 = 4 1/2 Months
(As per agreement £E 70. per season) = 70.000
Pd.Oct. 11. 25.000
Dec. 24. 3.000
Jan. 7. 2.000
Feb. 8. 3.000
Feb. 27 1.000 334.000
Bl. due. 376.000
Pd. March 17. 1924

Sal. Abd El Ahmed 3.000
Taha Ahmed 2.000
Ibrahim 2.000
Rehaan 2.100
Due for. Feb. 9.100
To Abd El Aal (Gratuity per season). 250.000
Pd March 17. 1924


Meeting with Minister fixed for Today

Howard Carter's Diary 1924, p. 34-5.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.34-5.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 34-5.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.34-5.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 34-5 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.23.34-5)

10 am Merton 4 am Mawell

to Mawell files 8a & 8b
1.a 1.b &. 1c.
MS. Of White Book.

To Bethell £E55 - Bl. of Exs.

Dine 8.30 Residency

Messenger to Luxor £E4.

Pd Nahman and Abemayor

Gave Breasted letter for P.M. Eg. Cul.

Tels. 3.480

Mrs Mace arrived from Luxor.

Saw Breasted 9.30. pm. Refused
adjournment of case Saturday, owing
to his having many promises & nothing
definite. Not even a letter.

(Breasted had in his pocket the letter I gave
him yesterday for the P.M.)

Howard Carter's Diary 1924, p. 36-7.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.36-7.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 36-7.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.36-7.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 36-7 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.23.36-7)

Mace. £E 16. for hotel Exs.

Tels 2.210

Copies of photos for Harkness.

Slides coloured.

Izzeb Pasha 11. am.

Doc. at Bank wanted. 1. pm.

Handed original copy of concession
B. el M. to Maxwell


Tels & tels 4.710

Howard Carter's Diary 1924, p. 38-9.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.38-9.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 38-9.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.38-9.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 38-9 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.23.38-9)

Left for Alex per 11.30 pm train

Met Gen. Maxwell. Gabbary S.S. Isperia.

Returned Cairo

1st fares 2.530
2nd " 1.470
Sleeper 1.000
Exs 1.030

Tels. 0.060

Lunch Kelekian

Dine Neguib's 8 pm.

lapis lazuli head 60
Faience tile 20
" seal 200
Basalt head 120
Weight Kha-Ef-Ra 40
440 = 427.567

Howard Carter's Diary 1924, p. 40-1.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.40-1.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 40-1.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.40-1.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 40-1 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.23.40-1)

Dine Martineau

Leave 6.30 pm Luxo[r]

Lunch White 1 pm.

Passport. Paper sent to H.B.M. Consul

1 Hotel exs. 26 Feb to March 15. 45.165
2 glass for sarcophagus Feb 22. 14.950
3. Trav. Exs self. Luxor Cairo Luxor = 13.620
4 Trav. Exs. Mace. 26 Feb. = 5.185
5 Hotel exs Mace 26 Feb. March 6. = 16.000
6. Type writing Machine & paper. Cairo. 13.700
7 Self Cairo. Alex Cairo. Maxwell. 9-10 March. 6.030
8 March. 3. Messenger to Luxor & back. 4.000
9 Bethell bl. Of Exs. March 2 55.000
10 Benzine March 24 1.110
11 Tels & cables. Feb 15 - March 10 = 56.335
No. 1 less Pd by cheque 45.165

13 to Wallis for Council pubs March 15. 10.000
13 " Moyne Services Rendered 15.000

Howard Carter's Diary 1924, p. 42-3.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.42-3.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 42-3.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.42-3.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 42-3 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.23.42-3)

Arrived Luxor Gurna.

Ch. 23778 274.750
Ch. 23786 = 33.750

Pd servants for March.
Abd El Aal. 3.
Taha 2.
Ibrehim 2.
Rehann 2.100
Plus 9.100 for February

House 17 1.670

Left for Cairo

Arrived Cairo

1 Dine Gen Haking 8.30 pm

2 Receipts of Hotel bills (glass) wanted.

3 Passport & registration.

Howard Carter's Diary 1924, p. 44-5.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.44-5.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 44-5.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.44-5.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 44-5 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.23.44-5)

pm. Maxwell.

Saw Crabites am
& pm.

9.15 am. Left Cairo Boarded S.S. 'Vienna'
for Venice

Abd El Aal cheques.

Miss Burgess


Keedick. London address.

Howard Carter's Diary 1924, p. 46-7.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.46-7.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 46-7.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.46-7.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 46-7 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.23.46-7)

Arrive Venice 1.30 pm

Left Venice 5.55 train for Victoria
via Paris Boulogne Folkstone.

Arrived Victoria 11. pm

Arrived Victoria 11 pm.

Note Papyri Lamacraft.

T. Frost 149 Lendenhall Street E.C.

Mr E Robinson W.S.G.

Sir Cecil Cecil Harcourt Smith. Vict. Alb. Museum

Howard Carter's Diary 1924, p. 48-9.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.48-9.jpg) Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 48-9.jpg (TAA.i.2.23.48-9.jpg)
Howard Carter's Diary for 1924, p. 48-9 (© Griffith Institute, TAA.i.2.23.48-9)