The main records in the Archive of the Griffith Institute
A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • J • K • L • M • N • O • P • R • S • T • U • V • W • Y • Z

Detailed information based on the General International
Standard Archival Description ISAD(G) is now
available on the new online catalogue
(Revd) Alexander C. (1831-1903)
Album of drawings and watercolour sketches made in Italy, Greece, Egypt, Syria and Palestine
in 1853.
ALINARI, Edition (end of 19th century)
Photographs of monuments in Florence, Naples, Palestrina, Rome, the Vatican and Turin.
ARUNDALE, Francis (1807-1853)
BARNS, (Revd) John Wintour Baldwin
Papers, including notebooks and indexes.
Transcriptions of hieratic documents.
(Sir) Charles (1795-1860)
Two albums of drawings, plans, etc., of Egyptian monuments.
BARTLETT, William Henry (1809-1854)
BAUMGARTEL, Elise Jenny (1892-1975)
Manuscript material in preparation of her book Egypt's Beginnings.
Photographs of Predynastic objects in Brooklyn Museum of Art.
Seven card index boxes with entries on Predynastic cemeteries at Naqada and Ballas.
Photographs of Edfu, Karnak, Konosso, and various Nubian temples. Photographs of foreigners (E. Meyer).
Available for consultation only.
BIRCH, Samuel (1813-1885)
One notebook.
Currently not available for consultation for reasons of conservation.
BLANKENBERG-VAN DELDEN, Catharina (1906-1994)
Photographs and correspondence relating to the commemorative scarabs of Amenhotep III.
BLYTH, Evelyn (?-?)
Postcard collection.
BONOMI, Joseph (1796-1878)
Drawings, watercolours and sketches made in Egypt, Nubia, Palestine, and elsewhere.
Introductory note.
BRACCI, Pietro (1700-1773)
Bound manuscript on Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Sample pages.
For a first analysis of the manuscript, see Bencini, Gaia 2018. The fascination for ancient Egypt and the interpretation of hieroglyphs in 18th century Rome: Pietro Bracci’s unpublished manuscript ‘I Geroglifici ed Obelischi Eggizzi’ (MPhil thesis, University of Oxford).
BRADBURY, Kate (1854-1902)
See under GRIFFITH (née Bradbury), Kate.
BREASTED, James Henry (1865-1935)
Photographs of Nubian Temples.
Available for consultation only.
BRIDGES, George Wilson (1788-1863)
Bound volume with photographs of Palestine, Greece, Constantinople, Egypt, Malta, Sicily, Italy and Algiers taken during 1846-1852.
BROOME, Myrtle Florence (1888-1978)
Guy (1878-1948)
Drawings, indexes, and correspondence, concerning button seals, and negatives of the Matmar
BRUNTON, Winifred
Mabel (1880-1959)
One watercolour.
BURTON, Harry (1879-1940)
See TAA Archive.
BURTON, James (1788-1862)
Nine mounted photographs made from drawings of El-Kâb, Philae, and Amada. Microfilm roll with copies of the MSS in the British Library.
Available for consultation only.
BURTON (née DUCKETT), Minnie Catherine (1876-1957)
Online publication.
Amice Mary (1896-1959)
Photographs and transparencies of the Temples of Sethos I and Ramesses II at Abydos.
CAPART, Jean (1877-1947)
Annotated proofs of Primitive Art in Egypt (1905).
Howard (1874-1939)
Notebooks, notes, maps, drawings, watercolours, etc.
MSS. Group I. G (maps and plans, including the tomb of Tutankhamun).
MSS. Group VI and VII (Miscellaneous).
Records of work
carried out in the Valley of the Kings before the discovery of the tomb
of Tutankhamun.
Records of excavations in the Delta and Middle Egypt.
See also: TAA Archive; Carter's
drawings of the Festival of Opet in Luxor Temple (Gardiner MSS.).
CATON-THOMPSON, Gertrude (1888-1985)
Notes, papers, correspondence, etc., on prehistoric Faiyûm.
ČERNÝ, Jaroslav (1898-1970)
Papers, including notebooks, copies, transcriptions, photographs, indexes and correspondence.
Transcriptions of hieratic documents.
Hand-copies of some TIP embossed mummy braces in Cairo, Egyptian Museum (Černý MSS. 17.125.1-17).
Photographs of TT 55, Qurna (Temple of Sethos I), Deir el-Shelwît (Temple of Isis), and Luxor Temple.
Available for consultation only.
CLACKSON, Sarah Joanne (1965-2003)
Various papers, photographs, correspondence, etc., mainly concerning
Coptic and Greek papyri and ostraca and
Coptic archaeology.
CLARK, Robert Thomas Rundle (1909-1970)
Notes, notebooks, some correspondence, annotated offprints, lantern slides and a small number of photographs and negatives.
CLARKE, Somers (1841-1926)
Notebooks, notes, plans, tracings, photographs, and correspondence, including El-Kâb
CLÈRE, Jacques Jean (1906-1989)
Notes, copies, negatives and photographs, impressions of texts, card-indexes, etc.
Preliminary catalogue and a
biographical note.
COOPER, (Revd) Basil Henry (1819-1891)
Three notebooks.
COYET, Adolf (?-?)
Four xerox copies of sketches of Philae drawn in January 1846.
Available for consultation only.
CRAWFORD, Osbert Guy Stanhope (1886-1957)
Maps, plans and drawings.
CRUM, Walter Ewing (1865-1944)
Coptic papers, including notebooks, copies, photographs, dictionary slips, and
Alec N. (1912-2003)
DAVIES, Norman de Garis (1865-1941) and Anna (Nina) Macpherson
Papers, including notebooks, notes, tracings and squeezes, made in Theban tombs and elsewhere,
photographs, collection of coloured hieroglyphic signs, indexes of scenes in Theban tombs,
Online publication of Theban tomb tracings made by Norman de Garis and Nina Davies.
Online publication of documentation on funerary cones by Kento Zenihiro.
DAWSON, Warren Royal (1888-1968)
A diary and a list of publications.
DENNIS, James Teackle (1865-1918)
Some 250 facsimile copies of graffiti and ostraca from Deir el-Bahari, made during Naville's
excavations in 1906-7.
DE KEERSMAECKER, Roger O. (1931-2020)
"The Graffiti Archive Roger O. De Keersmaecker": a corpus of traveller's graffiti in Egypt and Sudan. Complete papers, including copies of publications, proofs, correspondence, photographs and slides, notebooks, indexes and notes.
Recent acquisition, not yet available for consultation.
DÉVAUD, Eugène Victor (1878-1929)
Coptic etymological index and various notes and studies.
DEWEY, John (1934-2017)
C. 10,500 colour slides (35mm), mostly of Egypt, taken between 1980s and 2000s.
DILLEY, Wilfrid Joseph (1874-1941)
Photographs, small group of family papers and copy of a publication on Arab architecture.
DODGSON, Aquila (1829-1919)
DRIVER, (Sir) Godfrey Rolles (1892-1975)
A collection of 19th Century photographs of Jerusalem, Lebanon, etc.
DUQUESNE, Terence (1942-2014)
Complete papers.
Recent acquisition, not yet available for consultation.
EATON-KRAUSS, Marianne (b. 1944)
Correspondence and peer-reviews.
Recent acquisition, not yet available for consultation.
EDWARDS, Amelia Ann Blandford (1831-1892)
Notebook with various notes and extracts, 1881-8. Albums containing watercolours and sketches,
some used in A Thousand Miles up the Nile.
Online presentation of the 'Small Egyptian Scraps, 1874' album.
EDWARDS, Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen (1909-1996)
Notes on Australian museums made with D. O'Connor, notebooks, photographs, negatives, proofs, transparencies, xeroxes, and correspondence.
EISLER, Robert (1882-1949)
Manuscript of a monograph on the constellations of the Babylonian and Egyptian spheres.
EMERY, Walter
Bryan (1903-1971).
Photographs, tracings and plans of several Theban tombs.
ENGELBACH, Reginald (1888-1946)
Site index to the Journal d'Entrée and the Temporary register
of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
EYTON-JONES (also EYTON-PATTERSON), Theodora (c. 1890-1975)
Lantern slides made by a tourist(s) in Egypt, probably between 1910 and 1930. Views include Alexandria, Karnak, Luxor, Ramesseum, objects in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, and scenes of daily life.
FAULKNER, Raymond Oliver (1894-1982)
Small group of papers.
FOUCART, Georges (1865-1943)
Visitor's book 1925-1948.
GARDINER, (Sir) Alan Henderson
Notebooks, copies, transcriptions, photographs, indexes
(including a vocabulary of the Pyramid Texts), correspondence,
Transcriptions of hieratic documents.
Sample catalogue.
Gardiner MSS. 11 (Howard Carter's
drawings of the Festival of Opet in Luxor Temple).
GELL, (Sir) William (1777-1836)
Three notebooks.
GILULA, Mordechai (1936-2002)
Complete papers.
Recent acquisition, not yet available for consultation.
GLANVILLE, Stephen Ranulph Kingdon (1900-1956)
Various papers and correspondence connected with the obituary written by Dr I.E.S. Edwards and published in JEA 42 (1956), 99-101.
GLEYRE, (Marc) Charles Gabriel (1806-1874)
Photographs of drawings in the Department of Prints, Drawings and Photographs, Boston MA, Museum of Fine Arts.
Available for consultation only.
GOLENISHCHEV, Vladimir Semionovich (1856-1947)
Copies of texts, mostly from Theban tombs.
GRDSELOFF, Bernhard (1915-1950)
Papers, including notebooks, notes, copies, photographs, and correspondence.
Transcriptions of hieratic documents.
GREEN, Frederick William (1869-1949)
Original painting of the 'Decorated Tomb' at Hierakonpolis.
Currently not available for consultation for reasons of conservation.
GRIFFITH, Francis Llewellyn (1862-1934)
Papers, including notes, notebooks, photographs, and squeezes, records of Oxford Excavations
in Nubia, and correspondence.
Transcriptions of hieratic documents.
GRIFFITH (née BRADBURY), Kate (1854-1902)
Two journals and a box and two rolls of miscellanea.
Lantern slides from various sources.
Items from various sources which cannot be incorporated into other groups, including casts, film and media, maps, postcards, early Egyptological publications, sheet music, stamps, calendars, etc.
Photographs from various sources, including 19th Century Studio Photographs by Abdullah Frères, A. Beato, F. Bonfils, W. Hammerschmidt, P. Sébah and others, as well as stereoscopic photographs..
Egyptian Mirage - The online presentation of the Griffith
Institute's collection of 19th Century Studio Photographs of Egypt.
Levantine Mirage - The online presentation of the Griffith
Institute's collection of 19th Century Studio Photographs of the Near East.
Includes photographs of Egyptologists etc.
Photographs showing the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun have now been transferred to the Tutankhamun
Archive records (formerly Griffith Institute Miscellaneous 102.1 to 47, now TAA Archive ii.6.1 to 47).
Paper squeezes from various sources.
Online presentation of Griffith Institute Squeezes from the tomb of Sethos I (KV 17) in the Valley of the Kings,
and the Theban tombs of Khaemhet (TT 57) and Paser (TT 106).
drawings by different artists and made for various publications.
Catalogue and online publication.
GRIFFITHS, John Gwyn (1911-2004)
Miscellaneous papers.
Recent acquisition, not yet available for consultation.
Battiscombe George (1883-1950)
Papers, including notebooks, notes, photographs, squeezes, tracings and indexes.
Transcriptions of hieratic documents.
GURNEY, Oliver Robert (1911-2001)
Correspondence and notes on the geography of the Hittite Empire, Babylonian music, decipherment, and related topics. Non-Egyptological.
HARDEN, Donald Benjamin (1901-1995)
Transcripts of diaries kept during his stay as a Commonwealth Fund Fellow
at the University of
Michigan 1926-8,
and albums of photographs taken during trips to Italy, Tunisia and Egypt
HARDEN, (Rt. Revd) John Mason (1871-1931)
Fifteen notebooks on Ethiopic.
Edward James (1817-1892)
Three albums of drawings and watercolours.
HAY, Robert (1799-1863)
Typescript copy of journal, photographs of drawings made in the tomb of Neferhotp (TT 49), and thirteen mounted photographs made from drawings of El-Kâb, Philae, and Amada. Microfilm roll with copies of the MSS in the British Library.
Available for consultation only.
HEATHCOTE, Reginald St. Alban (1888-1951)
Negatives of photographs taken at various sites in Egypt and Sudan, 1922-1933.
Online presentation of the images.
HESS von WYSS, Jean-Jacques (1866-1949)
Notebooks and notes on demotic and Meroitic, including copies of papyri and squeezes.
HINCKS, (Revd) Edward (1792-1866)
Correspondence and miscellaneous papers.
Hector (1801-1872)
Watercolours of Egypt painted in 1838 (many are the originals of Panorama d'Égypte et de Nubie).
Online publication.
HORSFALL, (Capt) Robert Elcum (1890-1917)
Negatives of Egyptian sites and monuments taken before 1914.
George Alexander (1802-1863)
Three albums of drawings and watercolours.
Online publication.
JACOBSTHAL, Paul (1880-1957)
Material (mostly photographic) on the Luristan bronzes. Non-Egyptological.
JACOBY, Gustav (?-?)
Manuscript of his original text on the architecture of The Five Graves at Sendschirli (Zincirli). Non-Egyptological.
JANSSEN, Jacobus Johannes (Jac. J.) (1922-2011)
Transcribed hieratic documents, photographs, annotated photocopies, notes on Deir el-Medina, unpublished material, etc.
See also.
JELF, Charles Gordon (1886-1915)
Notebook containing notes on work in Theban tombs, financed by Sir Robert Mond,
JOHNSON, John de Monins (1882-1956)
Negatives taken during the excavations at Antinoë, 1913-14.
KAHLE, Paul Eric (1923-1955)
Coptic papers, including notebooks and indexes.
KENETT, Frederick Leslie (1924-2012)
Approximately 50 black and white photographs and two colour negatives of objects in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
KIRWAN, (Sir) Laurence P.
Twenty albumen prints of scenes from the Temple of Haroeris and Sobek Triads
at Kôm Ombo.
KUHN, Karl-Heinz (1919-2013)
Notes, negatives, transcripts, photographs and photostats of Coptic documents.
LANE, Edward William (1801-1876)
Drawings, notebooks, notes and correspondence.
LANE, Jenny (1835-?)
Journals, photograph album, collection of antiquities and varia, portraits, and some additional documentation.
LEE, John (1783-1866)
Notebook, and lithographs of some monuments by Madeley.
Frank Filce (1903-1985)
Notes on organic remains from the tomb of Tutankhamun, correspondence.
LEPSIUS, Karl Richard (1810-1884)
Photocopy of diary Oct. 30 to Dec. 7, 1844, discovered too late for use in L.D. Text.
Available for consultation only.
LIEDER, (Revd) Rudolph Theophilus (1798-1865), and Alice (née Holliday)
Paper squeezes of monuments made in Egypt 1850-3.
LINANT DE BELLEFONDS, Louis Maurice Adolphe (1799-1883)
Copies of diary (1821-2), glass negatives, and modern prints (1818-26).
Available for consultation only.
LLOYD, George (1815-1843)
Album of watercolours, drawings, and tracings of Egypt (c. 1842-1843).
LUCAS, Alfred (1867-1945)
See TAA Archive.
MACE, Arthur Cruttenden (1874-1928)
Journals (1899-1902, work with W. M. F. Petrie and G. A. Reisner), correspondence, typewritten articles, copies of Burton photographs, and newspaper cuttings.
Tutankhamun diary and account. See TAA Archive.
MACKAY, Ernest John Henry (1880-1943)
See under MOND, (Sir) Robert L.
MAGEE, Diana Norma Elizabeth (1936-2017)
Complete papers.
Recent acquisition, not yet available for consultation.
Photographs of well-known monuments.
Available for consultation only.
MARIETTE, François Auguste Ferdinand (1821-1881)
Catalogue of objects found in the Serapeum at Saqqâra in 1850-2 and now in the Louvre.
by Mrs M. M. Emery.
Martin, Geoffrey Almeric Thorndike (1934-2022)
Complete papers.
Recent acquisition, not yet available for consultation.
MEKHITARIAN, Arpag (1911-2004)
Colour slides (35mm) of Theban Tomb scenes, made in Thebes in 1953-4.
Photographs of private and royal tombs at Thebes (incomplete sets). Photographs of the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari (incomplete set).
Available for consultation only.
MILEHAM, Geoffrey Spurrell (1884-?)
MILNE, Joseph Grafton (1867-1951)
Two albums of photographs of Sinai and other sites.
MÖLLER, Georg Christian Julius (1876-1921)
Five slip-cover boxes containing copies, transcriptions, facsimiles, drawings and some photographs of mummy labels in Demotic, Greek or bilingual.
MOND, (Sir) Robert Ludwig (1867-1938)
Prints and negatives of scenes in Theban tombs, notebook and notes (some by EMERY, W. B.
and MACKAY, E. J. H.).
MOSS, (Lt.-Col.) William Edward (1874-1953)
Newspaper cuttings.
MURRAY, Margaret Alice (1863-1963)
Notes on The Hierakonpolis finds.
NAGEL, Georges (1899-1956)
Two albums of photographs taken at Deir el-Medîna.
Available for consultation only.
Percy Edward (1869-1949)
Papers, including notebooks, notes, copies, photographs and correspondence.
NEWBOLD, (Sir) Douglas (1894-1945)
Two volumes on history and archaeology of the Beja tribes of the Eastern Sudan.
NEWTON, Francis Giesler (1878-1924)
Article on churches in Sardinia, with additional notes and drawings, and watercolours and drawings of Italian towns, churches and architectural features. Non-Egyptological.
NIBBI, Alessandra (1923-2007)
Small group of correspondence.
Notes on some objects in the Nicholson Museum, Sydney.
See under GRIFFITH, Francis Llewellyn.
PARKINSON, Harold (1918-1995)
Measured perspective drawing of the tomb of Tutankhamun (original and prints), drawings of reconstructions of Egyptian boats, and drawings of Eighteenth Dynasty tombs. Models, plaster and resin moulds and casts for the mask of Tutankhamun, a plaque depicting a scene from the lid of a box in Tutankhamun’s tomb and a group of small figurines.
PARKINSON, Richard Bruce (b. 1963)
Manuscript of The Life of Sinuhe: A Reader's Commentary on the Middle Kingdom Version(s) (permanent loan) and drawings of reconstructions of the Theban tomb-chapel of Nebamun now in the British Museum in London.
PAYNE, Joan Crowfoot (1912-2002)
Papers relating to her Catalogue of the Predynastic Egyptian Collection in the Ashmolean Museum (Oxford, 1993; reprinted with addenda, 2000).
PEET, Thomas Eric (1882-1934)
Notebooks with copies and transcriptions, various indexes, one small watercolour, correspondence, group of family papers, and ephemera.
Transcriptions of hieratic documents.
PERCY, (Lord) Algernon, 1st Baron Prudhoe and 4th Duke of Northumberland (1792-1865)
See under PRUDHOE, Lord.
(Lady) Hilda Mary Isabel (1871-1956)
Two albums with mostly non-Egyptian photographs and postcards.
(Sir) William Matthew Flinders (1853-1942)
Two notebooks, "journals" consisting of letters sent home from
Petrie's excavations, and eight albums of photographs taken in Egypt
and Italian museums. Notes and copies made at Gîza, Saqqâra,
Dahshûr, etc., are among the papers of SAYCE, A. H.
Scans and transcripts of "journals" for 1880-1,
1881-2 and 1883-4.
Petrie's photographs of Egypt:
Landscape, monuments, people.
PHILLIPS, John (1930-1999)
2,500 slides (35mm), taken in the early 1960s at sites in Egypt and in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
PLATT, Arthur Ferdinand Rowley (1863-1946)
PRUDHOE, Lord (1792-1865)
Journal (1827-1829) and drawings, chiefly of Upper Nubia by Major Felix (1828).
Available for consultation only.
Philipp (1844-1883)
Twenty-one photographs of the temples at El-Khârga and El-Dâkhla, taken in
RENOUF, (Sir) Peter Le Page (1822-1897)
RHONÉ, Arthur (1836-1910)
Notes and correspondence.
ROEDER, Günther (1881-1966)
Photographs, tracings and squeezes of Dodecaschoenus graffiti.
ROSS, John Gordon
Transparencies, negatives, prints. 19th Century Studio Photographs, antique and modern postcards. Some notes and correspondence.
Online presentation of some of John Ross's photographs of Egypt
The Griffith Institute does not house any non-Egyptologial photographs taken by John Ross, these images may be registered
with photographic agencies. The Griffith Institute is not able to provide any further information on this material, supply
agency contact details or forward any requests on behalf of a Third Party.
ROWE, Alan Jenvey (1890-1968)
Copies of reports, photographs and correspondence connected with Beisan excavations by
Philadelphia University.
SALT, Henry (1780-1827)
Copies of drawings.
Available for consultation only.
SAYCE, (Revd) Archibald Henry (1845-1933)
Some notes, including copies made by W. M. F. Petrie.
SCHARFF, Alexander (1892-1950)
Synopsis of Theban tomb scenes.
SCHLIEPHACK, Horst (?-?)
Watercolour of John Garstang's dig house at Abydos (1909).
SCHOTT, Siegfried Hugo Erdmann (1897-1972)
Negatives and prints of scenes in Theban tombs. Microfilm roll with copies of the negatives.
SCHULMAN, Alan Richard (1930-2000)
Notes, copies of inscriptions, photographs, etc. of objects and sites, mostly concerning ancient Egyptian monuments from the Memphite area.
SEGAL, Walter (1907-1985)
Notes, drawings, negatives and photographs of furniture from the tomb of
Tutankhamun, from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and from the British Museum in London, as well as from other collections and gathered from publications.
Online publication of the material from the tomb of Tutankhamun.
SELIGMAN, Charles Gabriel (1873-1940)
Drawings of Meroitic subjects.
James Parker (1841-1897)
Some 50 photographs taken in Egypt in 1888. Copyright Simon B. Simpson OBE.
For a note about the Simpson photographs on the website of the Association
for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East, by Jaromir Malek,
click here.
Complete online presentation of the Simpson photographs
SLOLEY, Robert Walter (1879-1958)
Various notes.
SMITHER, Paul C. (1914-1943)
Notebook concerning pReisner I.
Transcriptions of hieratic documents.
SOMERS CLARKE (1841-1926)
See under CLARKE, Somers.
SPIEGELBERG, Wilhelm (1870-1930)
Fundjournal I, Theben, 7. Nov. 1898 - 27. Jan. 1899, and II, 27. Jan. - 9. Feb.
1899, and
squeezes made in Theban tombs.
William Arnold (1882-1953)
Notes on the restoration of furniture of Queen Hetepheres. A copy of unpublished Creative
in Palestine.
STOBART, (Revd) Henry (1824-1895)
Squeezes made in Theban tombs and the Valley of the Kings, see Griffith Institute squeezes 4.1-
TAA Archive [TAA = Tutankhamun]
Records of the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun and related material,
by H. Carter, H. Burton, A. C. Mace, A. Lucas, and others.
Online resources for the Tutankhamun Archive
in the Griffith Institute
(Sir) Henry Francis Herbert (1859-1944)
Greek dictionary card index.
THOMPSON, Gertrude (1888-1985)
See under CATON-THOMPSON, Gertrude.
TRAUNECKER, Claude (b. 1943)
Information on graffiti across Karnak, (primarily from the Amun complex).
UPHILL, Eric Parrington (1929-2018)
Complete papers.
Recent acquisition, not yet available for consultation.
VARTAVAN, Christian Tutundjian de (b. 1965)
Notes, reports and negatives and photographs of botanical specimens from the tomb of Tutankhamun. Correspondence.
VASSALLI, (Bey) Luigi (1812-1887)
Copies of papers kept at Castello Sforzesco, Milan.
Available for consultation only.
Copies of paintings of Egypt (Searight collection).
Available for consultation only.
WAINWRIGHT, Gerald Avery (1879-1964)
Photographs of Egyptian sites and museum objects.
WALTERS, Colin Christopher (1937-2006)
Complete papers.
Recent acquisition, not yet available for consultation.
WEBB, Peter (1955-1992) and Ron DAVEY (?-?)
Notes, colour transparencies and photographs of shabtis, monuments and other objects.
WEIGALL, Arthur Edward Pearse Brome (1880-1934)
Negatives, mainly connected with the tomb of Tutankhamun.
WELLCOME, (Sir) Henry (1853-1936)
Journals, excavation records (Abû Geili, Jebel Moya, Saqadi, Dar el-Mek, etc.), indexes,
plans and photographs.
James William (1814-1892)
Notebooks, drawings and plans.
WILKINSON, Alexandra (Alix) H. (1932-2011)
Notes, drafts and photographs on ancient Egyptian gardens and cultivation, and some on jewellery.
WILKINSON, (Sir) John Gardner (1797-1875)
Journal 1841-2 and some correspondence.
Except for the items mentioned immediately above, the papers of Sir
John Gardner Wilkinson are housed in the Weston Library, Department
of Special Collections and Western Manuscripts, Bodleian Library,
University of Oxford. Please refer to this webpage to download the forms you might have to fill in in order to consult this material: How to access Special Collections.
Consult the catalogue for
the Wilkinson papers held by the Bodleian Library.
WILLIAMS, John (1797-1874)
Four albums of rubbings.
WILSON, Robert McLachlan (1916-2010)
Copies, notes, transcripts, photographs and correspondence concerning New
Testament fragments in Faiyumic.
WYLIE (?-?)
Negatives of Egypt, Greece and Palestine.
YATES, Miss ? (?-?)
Negatives of Cairo.
ZUNTZ, Leonie (1908-1942)
Hittite index. Non-Egyptological.
(Last updated August 2024)